A New Way to Play Plague | Dead by Daylight Killer Builds

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Trying out a build using some interesting addons that were recently changed.

Thumbnail render made by Ev3ntic! Check her out here https://twitter.com/ev3ntic​​​

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30 thoughts on “A New Way to Play Plague | Dead by Daylight Killer Builds”

  1. "I like fun gamers like this. They aren't focused on doing their objectives."

    Also Tofu the game before: "4 man slug? Don't mind if I do." SMH sweaty killer main you better hope I never run into you and your juicy ass in game.

  2. I’ve been using this build since the update and love it. It completely changes how you play plague I always hated just running behind someone puking on them till they go broken, with this it feels more like this is how plague should always have been.

  3. I have been playing against the brown add-on + effectiveness with interacted objects-combo a few times and in my opinion it feels like one of the most unfun builds in the whole game, at least in solo que. Had a bunch of teammates get sick -> cleanse and get fully infected 10 seconds later again giving the plague an almost permanent damaging fire hose. Any tips here how to play against that?

  4. If you ever do this build again, I have an observation- You focus too much on the gens with your purge. You only need a little bit of the vomit to infect an object, so you should start your spray on the gen, then try to drag it to the nearest (In order of priority) vault, pallet, locker, chest, totem, or item on the ground if possible.

    You're still going to vomit for the same period of time, but will be getting more value than just the gen, as you increase possible infection zones and make people choose between waiting out the vomit or eating the infection and using that locker for inner strength/built to last or establishing their boon totem/popping ruin. (Yes, you can vomit on the bones. do it. especially if its a hex. you'll thank yourself later.)

    And Infecting vaults and pallets isn't only good for getting infections started. It's not immediately noticeable with vaults and pallets since players aren't in contact for them for long, but interacting with ANY infected object does speed up the infection rate, meaning that a player looping you on an infected god pallet is actually shaving away at how much time they have left before they become broken (especially if its the pallet AND window vaults). This little tidbit usually goes unexploited because its MUCH faster to just vomit on players to speed up infection, but with this "no direct puking" addon, you gotta squeeze out what you can, when you can.

    A good example for being more efficient is the killer shack in in the second match. When you got there, you only infected the gen when you easily could've gotten the gen, a window, the pallet, and maybe even both lockers with one slightly longer purge. getting those targets would've paid off pretty quickly, as we see later when you went back to shack and found survivors near it- one who who vaulted when you chased, one who hid, and one who came for the flashlight save and retreated to the shack. in that instance, you could've guaranteed two infections : the guy you downed and the failed flashlight.

    TLDR: when playing with the tablet, I encourage you to pretend you're a big, vomit encrusted child and rub your gross little goblin hands all over EVERYTHING. You won't lose any time and it gives good value, both in the mind games and actual infection.

    (disclaimer- The video was still hella fun to watch dude, keep it up, and I'm pretty sure you were only doing this the once for the memes. I just feel like I should point out a way to be more efficient with the "vomit coverage" because I have nothing better to do in my life, lmao. so, thanks for the vid, and I hope my wall of probably pointless advice wasn't too big.).


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