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These 2 teams of survivors were salty for NO reason other than the fact I PICKED LEGION!
Sorry to break it to you survivors… you don’t get to pick the Killer you VS!
Some games are L’s and some are W’s just play the game normally!

Introduction (0:00)
Gameplay 1 (1:31)
Gameplay 2 (7:57)

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– PotatoLegion aka “Spud”

🎵Ending Music by: – “Blues” 🎵

#DeadbyDaylight​​ #intothefog​​ #DBD​​ #BHVR #Legion #shirtmysurvivor #horror #multiplayer



  1. Lol you were so salty that first game. People don't have to play against a killer they don't want to just for your satisfaction. Switch mains if you don't like it 🤷‍♂️ Ofc you'll have people counter this argument saying it ruins the game for the other survivors, but from personal experience this happens almost every time I decide to play as or even against legion. Personally dont dislike legion but people generally dislike this killer and there's nothing we can do about it.

  2. I understand giving up in certain situations. When you know the match will leave you powerless, or the match will not only be boring but super long (condemn Sadako, 3 gen knight, etc). As someone who has played nurse and blight and doesn't even consider himself good at them, I would understand dcing against them. Because even in my mediocre hands they're beasts, but at least the match is short. Legion though? I don't get it. They're so counter able, and after the frenzy they regular chase. I can't see what's to complain about, unless you just really don't know how to counter them by 99ing mend and splitting up and such. Splitting up is just generally good advice so nothing new there anyway.

  3. Hey man. When did you do a face reveal? I watched you idk how long ago but randomly DBD showed up in my suggestion and it was you. Nice to see you're growing a bigger following keep it up and looks like I've got some catching up to do

  4. I had a legion w/ all the same perks as you except instead of hex face the darkness they had thanataphobia. The game takes so long I'd rather move onto the next. I expect a 15-20 min match. But legion can make the match a half hour, I don't get paid to play this game so I'd rather get off the game and touch grass.

  5. i never dc id rather get whatever points i get and get out of the game, however played a legion the other day hit me with his 5th hit put me on a hook when i came off the hook hit me again with his 5th hit i DCd

  6. The only time I ever give up as a survivor. I don't DC mind you. Is when I'm out of moves and all pallets are used up so I let the killer take me. Or when another survivor just DCs in at the beginning of the game screwing the team over. I mean I try to get things done but when the team is pretty much dead I'll surrender

  7. Imagine being p72 and quitting against a legion, I swear I've never seen people want their own way more than I have in this community. "Oh no, must die on hook and make the game unfun for everyone else cause the world revolves around me"

  8. i wish i went against more legions tbh. I think they're fun. people complain but the counter play is pretty easy….just don't be near other survivors lol. also i don't mind mending bc its like 12 seconds and with the new endurance meta…. i mend at least twice a game anyways.

  9. I refuse to DC facing anything even cheaters but I don't usually get the chance too. You know because of the instant death on hook they like to use. I have however had people DC on me with it 10 seconds of the match because I was playing pinhead and another within 10 seconds of me using the doctors static blast

  10. I've been calling killing yourself on hook "hook DCing", and the amount of people who go nuts and try to defend it is out of control. But the term seems to really get under their skin, so I guess they know deep down it's a DC. I'm really sick of it, playing either side and it's much more often than ever before

  11. With the state of solo queue and the fact that alot of solo queue people are not strong loopers they don't have coms and don't have location on other survivors it's really easy to find survivors bunched up and slow the game, so in solo queue legion is quite oppressive and easy to combo with and honestly deep wound is a shit mechanic because there is no playing around it, you have to deal with it or get a downed state

  12. Also if you dislike the fact that people DC against legion play something else it's kinda pathetic watching you be salty at people and purposely troll them because you are unhappy with them and the way they decide to play while bitching about them not liking way you play and opting out

  13. Because the reality is just like it's your perrogative to play the killer it's the survivors prerogative to not want to play a match that they find unfun, especially in solo queue, they can gg go next if they want same as you

  14. I don't understand; if you don't like playing the game- then don't play the game. Why are all these survs just- giving up 5 seconds into a match? They should just uninstall the game at that point if you hate the game so much lmao

  15. I play 60/40 favoring survivor. I see more DC's from solo queue now more than before they inserted the penalty. The meta shakeup brought out the worst in both sides, I think. Killers making games artificially last over 30 minutes and entitled survivors thinking their DHs and gen-rush builds aren't OP (then DCing) have taken over the game. It's the same salty debate every endgame chat over and over now. Both sides of this debate have a little bit of truth mixed in with a lot of BS.

  16. I am going to be honest I HATE playing survivor because it makes no senses that other survivors just be dumb and ruin the game and I don’t DC unless I get tunnel for no reason or I vs same killer from last round??😡

  17. I play Legion because in a way i resonate with Susie minus the being a killer thing,plus she's the only one close to being a "catgirl" thanks to that one outfit ! 😸 however i do have other favorites too,still a bummer that now people just get salty for playing as Legion of all killers,what next ? They'll be mad if i play terribly as huntress ? 😹

  18. Only time I get salty or angry is when I get match after match of horrible killers like tunning bubba and hillbilly but at that point I play the match to win then just get off the game

  19. Legion is one of my least favorite killers to go against in DBD. Not the worst to go against, I know that I simply have no idea how to effectively run them, legit skill issue lol. However, I am proud to say that I have never deliberately disconnected from a game. If I get wrecked, I get wrecked, and if the killer ain't toxic about it, I give them full props for being excellent at their chosen killer. It's not that hard to be a decent person.

    …I do have a harder time with toxic people though. Gotta work on that.

  20. I usually won't DC but I have sinned and DC against a pinhead with the chain replacement after breaking by object. I only did because doing the box with chain hunt active+that addin is pain and I think is bugged half the time. I'll wait the chain cycle out and do all that even looking into the mechanics of him, and yet next thing I know there is chains up my butt and I got Hella triggered from 0 to 10 in seconds. I'm sorry team </3 now I'll do the box before chainhunt or I don't touch it

  21. I have Emetophobia, so I DC when put against Plague. I don't blame the killer for picking her, but it'd be nice if the game had some phobia friendly options. One round of the game isn't worth a panic attack for me.

  22. I love going against killers I'm not good against. Well… Only if I'm not already on a losing streak. It helps me learn to play better and I'll sometimes switch over and be that killer to learn the movement and how other survivors overpower said killer.

  23. im not sure it's about leaving bcz legion. But about teammates who only do gens or other activity's like afking behind rock and no one even trying unhook you. And if you see the distance and fact they can't be there before 2nd stage you just give up. I dealing with it all time nowday, that's why i don't play this game at all. I can loop 3 gens killer then i got 1 hook, killer going away but survs hidding behind something and don't even try unhook me. What's the point to play game like this?

  24. I ain’t even gon cap I hate legion. He’s so unfun, boring and annoying to play against. Legion is the only killer I don’t like playing or playing against. I will play out every game even against a sweaty nurse (which is kinda fun tbh) but I can’t with legion.

  25. I normally stay till the end of the videos cause I love the Demogorgon bit 😂

    But to answer the question you ask I never DC over something petty. I get a lot of the same killers back to back so seeing others is always refreshing. Also being honest I don't like playing against Legion cause I just don't like dealing with their mechanic. Though I'm still going to play the game either way there is no reason to ready up if you aren't going to actually play.

  26. So, I don't play dbd as often as I used to. Could someone please explain the hate and salt toward Legion all the sudden? Last I was aware they weren't that bad. A bit annoying yes, but nothing worth all this.


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