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22 thoughts on “A PERFECT GAME OF DEAD BY DAYLIGHT (in the devs eyes)”

  1. this is pretty much all of my killer and survivor games ive had lately and it feels like shit. As survivor we get like 3 gens done in the first chase, maybe chase and a half. As killer at least 2 gens are basically gone if i commit for even 20 seconds to chase. And then the only times as survivor we have issues is if we try save the one person in end game the killer is camping.

  2. Gotta love that -1 pip… even if you do some gens, safe unhook survivors, get in long chases with the killer and just all out, have a pretty good game, and then get hooked one time, and watch your teammates not do anything to save you, will probably result in a loss of a pip… considering i been holding my rank 1 survivor spot for over a month now, its not easy nor fun going against sweaty/salty killers… btw love the content Tru3 ♡

  3. Ah good old noed only netting u one extra kill but in the end the killer depipped hard too with how fast those gens got done, like my god I always feel bad for killers when that happens but it is what it is I suppose, the dev's probably also base it off the "average" casual game not high ranking games where survivors do the objective and can loop

  4. I absolutely hate Trapper too, zero fun to play against and usually end up one hooked regardless of how well I play. Worst killer to play against in solo queue bar none.

  5. Why do you hate trapper? You simply just have to make reads on where his traps are. It should be easy for a big crypto guy, fighting game player like yourself. Just make a read on where his traps are. Even if they are invisible you should now where they are based off your amazing reads

  6. Ah Noed a terrible perk that survivors complain about nonstop even though the devs have now officially left no room for survivors to complain.

    You have 3 perks that detect totems one of which shaves off 20% of the time cleansing. Use em.


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