A Retrospective on the Silent Hill Chapter | Dead by Daylight Lore Deep Dive

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Welcome, friends and foes, Survivors and Killers. Today we’ll be looking back on the Silent Hill chapter, which brought Konami’s legendary horror franchise to Dead by Daylight with Midwich Elementary School, Cheryl Mason and Pyramid Head. We’ll be discussing Pyramid Head’s significant implications for DBD’s canon and investigating the potential for an alternative Survivor to Cheryl, while showcasing some of Silent Hill’s best moments such as a man shouting at another man eating pizza.

Got any suggestions for things you want me to discuss? Leave a comment and I’ll add it to my list!

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“Silent Hill is a happy place” art by 92-pink-ravens on Deviantart: 92-pink-ravens.deviantart.com/art/Silent-Hill-is-a-happy-place-92835125?q=favby%3Aluxifu%2F43716293&qo=11
Masahiro Ito’s tweet about the “other people”: https://twitter.com/adsk4/status/1179301374464409600


49 thoughts on “A Retrospective on the Silent Hill Chapter | Dead by Daylight Lore Deep Dive”

  1. honestly, when i heard that silent hill was going to be in the game I knew it was going to be a very good chapter with a good and interesting killer and a survivor that is good well in these rare times behavior did a good job with this chapter in sparking a nice reception within the Silent Hill series

  2. My personal take on how it really went down…

    The Entity saw Pyramid Head and was like "I like the cut of you gib. Okay let's see, nobody looking…" and just snatched and run with Pyramid Head. Dropped him into a game, and poked at him "Come on…throw people onto hooks!" Only for PH to cage them out of spite.

    Entity, frustrated with his toy having as much obedience as a cat, goes back to Silent Hill again to steal someone else, this time, a Survivor not really related to PH.

  3. Okay, allow me to say how Pyramid Head Exist in DBD and it's not about using the Silent Hill Lore, but also the DBD lore as well.

    In DBD, the Entity has the ability to probe memories and abduct anyone in different times. We know this because the Observer can probe the Entity memories and its memories are those of survivors and killers.
    but it's not just the survivors or killers, but also other people as well to make a more better manifestation of the different inner realms it makes.

    When the Entity arrived at the Silent Hill universe, it probed the memories of those who entered Silent Hill and been tormented by the monsters, one of them is James Sunderland during his time in Silent Hill. when it saw his memories he also saw Pyramid Head seeing him as a suitable killer for the trials.
    after looking at all the memories of James, it can able to see Pyramid Head because the Entity has James' memories at the end of Silent Hill 2 and before Pyramid made his final rest, the Entity took him away form Silent Hill and into its realm. and because the Entity has James' memories of him not understanding what he'd done, Pyramid Head cannot go away. this is also why the Survivors can see Pyramid head because they're inside the Entity realm and everything it see, they see as well.

    This Pyramid Head is the one with the big knife from Silent Hill 2 that the Entity can see after probing and using James' memories then take him into the Entity Realm to be a killer in the trials.

    This is the most likely reason and it fits well with not only how Silent Hill lore works but also how Dead by Daylight lore works as well.

  4. I really like your reason for why pyramid head is in DBD, and i would like to throw my hat into the ring. Why couldn't pyramid head just literally by James. What if the entity pulled james into his world and transformed him into pyramid head due to the strong emotions. The entity seems to be cruel with the forms that it allows the killers to take. Some killers appear to actually be their real life counterparts, like huntress and trapper, but then you get the ones that appear to be transformed to manifest those emotions like with the spirit and oni. So maybe the entity took james and transformed him into pyramid head to manifest his emotions. This also could be tied to how people grief with their emotions because SH's pyramid head is punishing james (aka james punishing himself) while DBD's pyramid head is punishing survivors. This could show that james is avoiding punishing himself, that he is deflecting, and blaming everybody else except himself. Becuase after all, we all have a bit of James inside of us.

  5. See, I always thought the Executioner was there because, as we have 0 idea what happened to James after SH2, was scooped up by the Entity and had exposed the Entity to Silent Hill, and to Pyramid Head.

    It was through the exposure to Silent Hill that it found Cheryl, and so wanted her as well.
    That's just my take though; take it as it is

  6. Wow this is kinda how I rationalized it as well, the judgment isn’t here to punish the survivors or kill them for the sake of it, it appeared to judge and punish the entity for it’s lack of emotional connections with itself. And until the entity realizes this the Judgment will continue to deliver harsh penance towards the entity and its realm.

  7. I think that for an explanation the Entity could have "Scanned" the people who survived SH and saw Pyramid in James' mind and decided to create one itself.

    So the Pyramid Head we see in the Entity's realm is not the real one, but a replica.

  8. I honestly dislike the silent hill chapter as both a Silent Hill fan and a DBD fan. It does a disservice to both franchises. Between the mazelike and overly complex map to the easily exploitable abilities of the executioner and Cheryl's dogshit perks, its a completely broken chapter and honestly a waste of the IP. Konami should have just given us Silent Hills.

  9. I think as a minor spin on The Entity theory for Pyramid Head, you could argue that because The Entity is such a smorgasbord of different emotions, having harvested every possible thought from potentially millions of people, it interacting with Silent Hill could produce any possible manifestation from the world of Silent Hill.

    Under those circumstances, and given the fact of how The Entity seems to have latched on to the events of the Silent Hill games as the things it would replicate, it totally makes sense IMO that The Entity could artificially force Silent Hill to bring Pyramid Head into existence so it could steal it.

  10. Honestly, when this chapter came out, I nearly cried from how happy I was. We haven't had a FULL silent hill game since 2012, and when PT (Silent Hills) was cancelled, I was gutted. So it's good to see the franchise still alive. Hopefully another game will some soon.

  11. I agree with everything that you've said.
    I also had my own thoughts on PH's appearance in DBD.
    The Entity saw the potential for violence and torture in the Executioner and desired him for itself. It ripped Pyramid Head from Silent Hill, a reality very similar to its own, but PH is a concept rather than a person.
    Now in the Entity's world, without being bound by James or the laws of Silent Hill and being allowed to exist independently of them, Pyramid Head is now completely unleashed. The behaviors that gave him shape can now be directed towards anybody or anything with no restraints.
    The Entity tortured its killers so they would perform its rituals correctly, but the Executioner does not have a past on which to torment or a pain threshold. He was created to punish and torture and that is what he'll do.
    For now, the Entity's trials serve the same purpose but PH cannot be controlled, so it remains to be seen what effect the Executioner's presence will have in this world.
    There is one thing that bothers me, though. When Freddy Kruger was brought here, he noted that his powers were tempered in some ways and focused in others. This was done by the Entity, so I'm wondering if Pyramid Head's powers were allowed or if they were an accident.

  12. James could be abducted by the Entity and thrown into the void, simply to be able to project PH (Entity is picky, check Spirit's backstory), but not being good enough of a survivor to suck hope from. With this in mind, PH might be the first killer to not be actual being (as he isn't actual being in the first place) and just be Entity's projection, just like everything else is (except characters in game).

    Your explanantion is almost perfect… but even though The Entity is filled with guilt (some bits of it at least, mostly hope) it's not IT'S guilt, it's not devouring it from the inside.

    But it does explain his power during trials perfectly, I have to admit that! Good stuff!

    I agree that Myers is on the same page as PH as he is evil incarnate and Entity can't just torture him into obeying, but Amanda, as twisted as she is, is just human. I treat her traps more like tools she've been braught with and actually panicking inside for survivors to get them off.

  13. I hope one day that we may finally return to the town of Silent Hill once more on the PS5…

    Than is once Konami gets its shit together and quits makeing goddam pachinko machines!

  14. The explanation of why Pyramid Head has a triangle, being the image from the museum, really reminds of the image from "Have you seen this man in your dreams?". Once you've seen it, it gets ingrained in your unconscious thoughts.

  15. Honestly, you probably have no idea how much this meant to us long-time Silent Hill fans to see it again… like a old time friend we're finally seeing again after so many years…

  16. Alot of people want a killer that can't hook at all, and uses a completely different mechanic, like the "undead" in a similar game to dbd (identity v) but having a killer than cannot hook would literally make no sense. Why would the entity bring in a killer who cannot hook? Just goes to show that most of the people in the community don't even bother to bat an eye at the lore.

  17. Maybe its because the most awful thing that I can ever imagine is losing the love of my life, who has been my life, for 20 years, next month? Maybe its because I was by my bis sister's/best friend's side, when the cancer complications took her? Maybe its me being an emotional guy? Or a bit of all 3? But "James, you made me happy," hits me hard, in the feels, every time that I hear it!!!

  18. The first 3 are the only good silent hill games imo. Downpour describes it in the name

    Also, i always thought James killed his wife because he didn’t want her to suffer and die a painful/slow death and just couldn’t come to terms that he did it even though it was for the best. I guess he is more of an asshole than i took him for. I thought he was a victim when he was a killer. God I’ll have to rewatch SH2 to see if i missed something.

  19. Hey these kind of videos are quite amazing, I wasn't so keen on DbD lore but watching some of your videos actually got me interested. Thank you so much and I hope you keep making them!


    I am genuinely curious: Does Cheryl have some of Alessa's memories. If PH can manifest from the minds of anyone who knows of the executioners or have seen the painting, would it have be possible for the Entity to have pulled PH from Alessa's repressed memories in Cheryl mind? Dahlia was high priestess so it would make sense if Alessa had knowledge of the executioners and also be descended from them. It's been a while since I have seen a playthrough of some my mind is a bit wonky on details.


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