A Story of Karma in Dead by Daylight

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This is the story of when I matched an exploiting survivor and their team mates, and then got them again just a few games later!

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(edited by Sounmond)

#dbd #nurse #deadbydaylight #supaalf


23 thoughts on “A Story of Karma in Dead by Daylight”

  1. Idk if it is just me but my youtube unsubbed me from alf & i was trying to search him up & i did watch this video earlier but couldn't find it i had to manually put in the title

  2. i fail to see how the second player (Arya) was trying to abuse the drop down exploit. I think it's totally fine to tunnel her because she helped the claud abuse in game 1, but I don't really see why you're saying that she's actually trying to abuse it herself. It doesn't look like she's ever done it herself and had many opportunities to run to main to abuse it had she wished to. For example at 4:50 you get stunned, she makes distance, and then you switch your attention to nancy to down her, and then you cut the footage to go back to when you're chasing her. it seems that she couldve made main during this time had she wished to abuse the drop down.

    The same thing happens at 5:50 when she not only gets the DH but you also tantrum into the wall, giving her plenty of distance to make main, yet she never runs to main. It looks like you're basing it off of the eyrie of crows offering, but then again it is one of the strongest survivor maps in the game and I often see it brought by survivors in my killer games despite survivors not abusing this exploit. She had even brought the same offering last game, so it doesn't necessarily mean that she is a duo with the person abusing, might instead just mean that she wanted to give herself an edge on one of the strongest survivor maps.

    TL;DR: I think you're wrong about saying the second player is trying to abuse the drop down exploit in main given that she had many chances to run to main during the game, yet chose not to.


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