MAKING A BAD KILLER.. GOOD? | Dead By Daylight

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Chapter 19 “ALL KILL” is out and the reviews are in. The Trickster needs help and alot of it. Over the past few days, I have spent majority of my time while in …


24 thoughts on “MAKING A BAD KILLER.. GOOD? | Dead By Daylight”

  1. I would like to his movement speed buffed to 4.6 meters per second (115%) and for survivors to have to mend/heal each other in order for laceration to be taken away. Main Event should also work like Oni's power in that it can be charged and activated on command instead of during a limited window. Additionally, Main Event should allow you to use M1 to throw knives at insane speed when you want to throw them (by holding down M1) instead of just going into a frenzy and throwing them automatically.

  2. I think they should make trickster have a 8 shot vertical line toss with a charge up to lessen the spread with main event throwing two knives out at once in a rapid fashion with the choice to hold it

  3. I think Main Event should have a completely different effect than it does now.
    Instead of the current ability, when you pop it, Trickster puts away his bat and swaps to just his knives. His speed is upped to about 125% and he dashes like frickin Naruto while laughing maniacally (more intense chase music too perhaps???). During Main Event, all Survivors in your terror radius are warned and revealed via Killer Instinct, and Trickster throws infinite knives at a much higher rate than normal without any recoil.

    Additionally, Main Event is much longer and dealing a health state during Main Event pauses its timer for a few seconds.

    Some other quick changes I'd MAYBE throw in are: remove the fatigue stun at the end of Main Event (or just change it to something other than fatigue, like a dab, I dunno), and also make it so that knives are always thrown towards the CENTER of your screen instead of in a spread.

    Sorry for the wordy reply, I just needed to get this out somewhere.

  4. I feel like his speed needs to be faster or the direct hits need to be lowered because god damn is it really infuriating getting 5-7 hits and there being a wall and by the time there is an open space your laceration hits decrease and you can’t injure them. I’ve gotten Gen rushed so bad as trickster than I ever had with any other killer. It’s insane man. I love his play style but he really needs a buff. Wonderful video though I’ll definitely use that load out.

  5. I think that laceration meter should not go down but survivors can perform a mend action if they want. Either make him a 115% killer or make him faster than he is while holding and throwing knives. I dont know if this Will be too much but how about giving survivors hindered status effect when knives are being thrown?

  6. On my first public game with him I got demolished and I was devastated! I will keep lvl him and see what it’s doable. Ur build looks decent and I’ll give it a shot

  7. I think I prefer Surge over Pop in the loadout. On a 4.4m Killer, I dont have time to go up the stairs or around the hill to get to the Gen. Surge is fire and forget, albeit with longer cooldown.

  8. Basically you need to play trickster as if you were playing deathslinger such as using monitor an abuse to sneak up on survivors then m1 them with the basic attack an then use your ability next 😂 which is pretty bad on behaviors part I’m honesty’s tired of this game until they go back to actual movie 🍿 licensed killers not all this original bullshit that’s 3 killers who are bad just when u thought the twins were bad on release day Na hold this l trickster 😂 not to mention why are we using some pop star singer 👨‍🎤 like wtf is this game now it’s not even scary at this point it’s a comedy special. Behavior get your shit together like immediately , as a killer main I’m highly disappointed


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