The Nemesis & his poorly designed Ultra Rare add-on | Dead by Daylight

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The Nemesis is a really balanced killer, and I love his gameplay a lot. However, he has a really poorly designed ultra rare add-on that I wanted to provide my feedback on and talk about. Enjoy this discussion revolving around the Resident Evil chapter in Dead by Daylight!
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30 thoughts on “The Nemesis & his poorly designed Ultra Rare add-on | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Unfortunately a developer of the game (Janick) stated that they SCRAPPED an add-on that increases the capacity of zombies for performance reasons.

  2. What about an addon that works like that one map offering that lets you put down a marker except for nem it would be a marker for one zombie to come to it basically an addon that lets you direct zombies.

  3. However they need to increase the amount of mutation rate gained by killing zombies, survivors can just get infected by zombies and it'll take you the entire game to get to tier 3 not to mention tier 3 gives you only 1 metre increase on reach.

  4. I'd have to disagree with the comparison between trapper and nemesis' zombies. Trapper places his traps intentionally with future survivor movement in mind and can be rewarded for it (other than the iridescent brick add-on but in reality traps very VERY rarely spawn in useful places automatically while zombies can shamble from place to place until they help). Zombies take ZERO input from Nemesis they are 100% rng for free downs and I completely disagree with that philosophy.

  5. I love where the Nemesis is balance wise, BUT I do wish they would make his power a decent bit stronger. Tier 2 and tier 3 should have more noticable range differences, and tier 3 should have some type of bonus recovery speed on hits. I know how strong this would be, so o'd be perfectly fine with them tuning down some other things(more vaccines on map, maybe a duration of immunity after vaccination, maybe it takes more hits and zombie kills to tier up, etc) just to make his power more dynamic and gratifying to play with!

  6. My rework idea for the Ultra rare umbrella sign

    When a Zombie is killed they have a chance of coming back as a licker

    Licker have the same speed of a survivor while sprinting and won't leave a chase that easy but have lower detection range

    Edit: This only happens when a survivor kills the Zombie.

  7. I think it could be some-what usefull if you use that very-rare addon that allows you to see their aura for like… 12-13 seconds after they use a vaccine , but this is just my opinion

  8. I wish his power was just a tiny bit wider and your screen didn't get locked in place when you use your power at certain times but besides that really good

  9. Yeah, I think a neat Iridescent would be like a soft mori, where if the survivor is in a state where they would normally be able to be Moried, and they get downed, if a zombie finds them, you get the classic RE2 death animation. It's silly and impractical, but I'd run it to give a trial an authentic RE feel. But this is all from the hip, I imagine there's a lot more that would need to go into that.
    Maybe have one that replaces the two zombies with one licker, and survivors who are injured/ contaminated/ running/ doing loud noises greatly attract the licker, but walking by it will make it less likely to attack? I know that'd be a lot of work to program and make, because it'd require assets and more advanced programming than what the zombies do, but it sure is fun to dream.

  10. He's completely fine, strong and fun? Can't wait to see how bhvr will nerf him unnecessarily and harshly for release! What if for his ultra rare, when a survivor uses a vaccine, a random zombie dies and immediately respawns within 10 meters of the survivor? Or when a survivor uses a vaccine, they go (literally blind as if they have been blinded by a flashlight) for 15 seconds? Something of value rather than an exposed status effect which will likely be redundant or too short to be useful ever

  11. I've said this before but; Killing infected survivors should spawn In a crimson head that is attracted to any sound notifications within 32 meters , they can be killed the same as a basic zombie so they require you use a pallet or Head On to destroy it so you get a free pallet out of it. Vaccine management and Nemesis' addons would also have much more impact because of that. Killer instinct should be removed from base kit and the addon that increases it's duration should add it. Basic zombie AI should just be more consistent, attracted to screams within 32 meters, failed checks or loud actions by 24 meters, and bleed/healing actions by 16 meters.

  12. My biggest problem with the ultra rares is that they don't reward the killer for playing the killer. They just punish the survivors for playing against them. The ultra rare add-ons affect the two least interactive parts of Nemesis' kit. Why not apply that 12 second exposed status to a survivor when they become contaminated? Then, you have a short period of time after you first whip a survivor to punch them and down them for free. The survivor is rewarded for evading you for those few seconds (12 might even still be a little short), and Nemesis is greatly rewarded for managing to get the M1. The result is a very high-risk/-high-reward perk (if you don't get the hit before Exposed runs out, it does nothing) that is still fairly consistent in terms of application. You don't have to guess when a survivor is going to be contaminated, you're physically in control of that most of the time. Or how about an addon that doubles the range of your whip in tier 3 to 12m, but when you hit a survivor with your whip in tier 3, you go back down to tier 1?

    Or, if you REALLY wanted to have a perk that has to do with the zombies/vaccines, how about instead of inflicting Exposed, any time a survivor uses a vaccine, that survivor can see the zombies for 30 seconds, BUT, the zombies always know where that survivor is for the duration, and hunt them down?

    Man, there were so many interesting things they could have done with this, and they chose the least interesting options. Hard not to be a bit frustrated tbh.

  13. 1 crimson head spawn after every 2 zombie kills. Zombie spawns are slowed down by a percentage. Crimson heads full sprint after survivors and dont stop unless they pallet, vault, or drop.

  14. Now I haven’t been able to play the ptb at all because I have a PlayStation but I have an idea. Now the add on that gives expose is really crap, but I have a theory. Does using the vaccine count as healing? And if so, could you use nurses calling to track the survivor? It doesn’t change the fact that it’s crap, but might be a fun little build if you could pull it off and maybe have a perk that gives undetectable to sneak up on that survivor. I want to try that out myself if they don’t change it and try to make a build for it

  15. I wish his addons did more interesting things with the zombies like making them inflict several debuffs for a time or have an Iri that replaces the zombies with other infected such as Lickers, Ivys, or even a single Mr. X.


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