A Use For All Of Your Keys – Dead by Daylight

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31 thoughts on “A Use For All Of Your Keys – Dead by Daylight”

  1. We've seen Built to Last with medkits, toolboxes, and now keys. Other YouTubers do it with flashlights all the time… when will Scott give us what we need: the built to last map…!

  2. Imagine if keys could be used to sit in lockers for a certain amount of time without being able to be grabbed out. Green key works for 8, purple works for 14, and the iridescent works for 20. They should also make it so while holding a map you can cleanse quicker, while holding a toolbox you have a tiny repair buff, and while holding a medkit you have a tiny heal buff. All of these effects work while the items charges are depleted meaning it gives use to still holding an item even after its been used. Items disappear while pulling pallets or vaulting so I never find a reason to keep them unless I want them next game. I just feel like items are super boring in DBD

  3. Like I needed yet another reason to not play this game. Still enjoy the vids but when you’ve so many other good options aside from dbd it’s hard to justify playing such a poorly balanced game. If you enjoy killer I’d recommend overwatch. Mechanically heros play similar to killers with the variety of abilities being somewhat like killer powers. And obviously it’s 5vs5 not an asym and thematically yep also very different but just learning each hero feels similar to learning killers. Easier for them to balance as obviously both teams have access to the same hero pool so
    If something is OP both teams have it.

  4. I might actually use the keys now! Anyway, this is completely unrelated, but what do you guys think of a new exhaustion perk that allows you to Tackle (yeah, lets call it Tackle) the Killers while they are carrying a survivor? For fairness and balance, it may only be used while the one tackling has been hooked once and fully healed afterwards. After tackling a Killer, the carried survivor can escape as if flashlight-saved, but the the player who tackled will be put in the injured state, at which point he may no longer use Tackle until hook-saved and fully healed again.

  5. Okay so I stepped away from the game cause the last update was killer sided and I’m and decent player I used to escape about 60% of the time but now I’m lucky if I escape once a night any tips for people trying to come back to the game they loved?

  6. I’ve never heard it mentioned but there’s a strat you can do with a key. While using the key you can walk and your stamina doesn’t go down. This can be used to control when sprint burst. It’s not super useful but can be used for extra control. If running sprint burst and you get a key from a chest it’s a least giving you something. Also, this works on the windup of using the key so you don’t actually use any of the keys charges unless you hold it long enough. I think the same is true for maps as well.

  7. I just wish they gave the keys an actual use without any addons. Especially the green one which is 100% useless without addons, the rest is only 98% useless 😀
    Maybe faster gates opening for the charges it has? Even 10% would make it so the green key you find in a chest during a match is actually worth picking up.

  8. You left out the best part of using a key with aura reading besides the wall hacks!!!! It lets you window tech and breakable wall tech soooo easily. Anytime the killer is in a animation and you tap the key, (you don’t even have to use any charges) you have no collision with the killer allowing you to do some really fun jukes and mind games.


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