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Niccccottv (Yui) – https://www.twitch.tv/niccccottv

Parasiteborn (Vittorio) – https://www.twitch.tv/parasiteborn

WhiteNoiseDesign (Billy) – https://www.twitch.tv/WhiteNoiseDesign

Furtive Chase recently got buffed in the 7.3.0 Mid Chapter. Formally one of the most lacklustre perks in the game has found some brilliant use, particularly in today Billy build. Featuring Furtive Chase, Trail Of Torment, BBQ & Machine Learning.

These perks provide useful info, speed and importantly stealth. While Billy is undetectable, he is entirely silent, thanks to the Apex Muffler addon which makes the chainsaw noises none existent when you start your saw outside of the terror radius. Typically, I run this addon with boots to attempt drifts & snipes however with the addition of furtive chase it feels worth while running an engraving. This allows for more conventional Billy gameplay with curves BUT with the addition of some spicy stealth plays.

To any Billy players or aspiring Billys, I’d recommend trying this build. It’s been a breath of fresh air for me. Insanely fun & everyone seems to have enjoyed facing it too. Let me know your thoughts on the build & the new furtive chase buffs. Cheers!



  1. Quick question, do boots affect the initial turning rate or just the after turning rate? I'm afaid of using the boots if they affect the initial turning rate since I don't want to get accustomed to that speed, then get thrown off when I dont use that addon

  2. I saw billy game, hesitantly clicked knowing i don't like most billy gameplay, and was honestly surprised that i enjoyed it. Those 360s were nasty, and the jump scare aspect was awesome.

  3. i still think the stealth needs to be 20secs maps are big and u CAN'T get to the otherside before your stealth comes off, on alot of killers. i like the perk now though! and its a good idea and healthy for the game due kindred perk being extremly good so killers that don't have stealth have some sort of way to hide and try to get the first hit on survivors instead of them getting a free escape and hiding spot knowing the killer is coming that way. i feel like it still needs a buff due to the fact it only works on the obsession. 1 survivor. either that or they can make it so you can have two obsessions on survivors now that would be cool, instead of just the one.

    they should really buff it up to last longer or make it so two survivors in the game can be the obsession.

  4. they need to remove Collison on bubba and hillbilly for the chainsaw unless your directly face the terrian but no if its the side, really dumb hitting invisible walls that and these killers get cc for a long time its a free escape to 1 or 2 loops. it should be like oni play style but the killers can't face the terrian and hold their power on it, it will still be like Collison if they do that. gameplay for both bubba and hillbilly would be more fun as well. all the new maps are getting so BAD hillbilly can't even use his power to get across the map and the collisions are even worst!.


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