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This was super fun to play and I definitely am gonna try it again over on the stream B) Thank you guys for watching, I hope you enjoy!

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18 thoughts on “CONDEMN ONLY SADAKO IS OP! | Dead by Daylight”

  1. It’s crazy how this is the only way for sadako to be even decent especially with iri tape like it’s such an unhealthy thing in the game like I want this playstyle removed but give something to sadako in return obviously condemned is to slow the survivors down not to get moris. I’ve gone against iri tape and ring drawing it didn’t go so well for the sadako the survivors were just to smart.

  2. iri tape w ring draw is even more effective, is crazy how sadako did go for a "ok" killer to a dc farmer, like, the counterplay of this build and strat is more tactical then just loop, watch this get a unfair nerf 🙁


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