I played a 3v1 and still almost lost… | Dead by Daylight

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Almost every day, I play at least one match where one of the Survivors gives up and makes the match unwinnable for the other 3. Even if I play very sloppy, the remaining Survivors often don’t have much of a chance. This time it was different…

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27 thoughts on “I played a 3v1 and still almost lost… | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I love that one comment from Twitch chat: "MF goes up against 2 No Mithers and plays like a POS'.
    Survivors need to stop thinking the Killer HAS to play some magical certain way that they demand of them, just because of their loadouts.

  2. Just a suggestion from someone who is only mediocre at this game, but instead of Corrupt Intervention I would use Thrilling Tremors, gens are blocked for several seconds, has a short cooldown, and gives you information on where survivors are, all around great perk, but again, I'm only decent at this game, not crazy good or anything.

  3. I miss your old long streak videos. Your longer videos like that used to keep occupied for multiple breaks at work at a time 👌🏻👌🏻😂 love your vids tho 🥦

  4. Don't regret being nice. Yes, always being nice can lead to disadvantages and other bad things; still being able to be nice is either a sign of true greatness or naivety. I guess it's situational.

  5. Even otzdharva struggles with only 3 survivors. Now think how much we struggle with 4 of them. Then flashlight, sabotage, doors that needs to break, pallets, boons.

  6. ive had 2 games where a survivor doing gens with allowed them too blow up so the killer was on me, she did this all through the match without her being killed so tired of these scummy players so i just let myself get killed and move on too next game

  7. I get so many tough games against twitch streamers and P100's. it makes me want to not play anymore. I would rather wait twice as long for a game if its balanced.


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