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The Void Realm which has been added thanks to the Halloween event is extremely interesting.
Nothing in it is random it has no pallets and 3 vaults. No Pallets does not sound that good but luckily there are 2 god windows in this tiny space that are easily connectable.
These windows are so strong that its actually possible to infinitely loop Killers on them if played well.
Most Killers don’t know much about this realm so while some are smart enough to leave early the majority actually commit to chases and allow me to loop them for an insane amount of time.
To make the most out of these vaults resilience and self aware can really help.
Resilience to speed up the vaults and Self Aware to walk mid chase which stops the Killer from getting bloodlust and the vaults from blocking
I hope you enjoy me infiniting Killers inside the void.
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you sound like kermit the frog trying to talk gangster, doesn't work
laughs in bamboozle
As cool as this event is, I don't really see a point in going down there as killer
trapper was definitely the better player smh, gets looped all game and still gets 4 kills, totally didn't get carried by noed, and the dumbness of hens teammates
1:10 xD
Void: killers no powers allowed!
Void: oh your exhausted survivors completely fair and equal exchange!
That trapper was goated
The divine forces of the universe accumulating between three solo queue survivors to fuck up a game handed to them on a golden platter in less than a minute of first hook
In the words of aryun, goodbye forever
are you not hens, like actually?
What is shift tech?
i had a p0 leon abuse this i thought i could catch him easily but he tricked me
That accidental slow vaulting the pallet against ghostie made me, belly laugh 🤣 "hello?!"
5:49 I was so jealous of that xemomorph 😔
someone finally did this video, i looped a spirit here knowing killers dont have power here i literally had all the power
Like not minute in and we know for a fact that Hens, a calculated, collected player has been corrupted by JRM and Ayrun by calling trapper the "Trappy wappy" lmaooo
Ur voice sounds like u need 2 cough real bad
Crazy dum tech lol
What fun and balanced gameplay
Kill me
That Trapper match was hilarious. Hens goes nuts trying to understand him and then the dude 4ks like a boss. Post-match chat (if there was any) must have been priceless.