ACT TOXIC GET TOXIC! – Dead by Daylight!

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24 thoughts on “ACT TOXIC GET TOXIC! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. Also as a survivor I’d find the hitting on hook very satisfying. He obviously got to you. I don’t condone the tea bagging or the macro. That’s just awful manners and player mentality but if he isn’t cheating (he ran very well and granted he had a million pallets to drop) then he ran that well and the hitting on first hook just highlights the killer being triggered. I’m so terrible at survivor nobody ever hits me on the hook 🙁

  2. Good! No more “don’t feed the trolls.” Ignoring a problem doesn’t make it go away. Might as well do something about it…

    Also the multi-sprint bursts mid chase are pretty suspicious.

  3. Every time I play a killer I get a lot of stress, because I still have little experience playing it and I always come across such toxic survivors against me. Thank you for your videos, for two years now I have been watching you and learning your composure in such situations ❤

  4. other games set strict rules for using macros or 3rd party tools that arent verified by the devs. and then there is bhvr. remember when they changed the animations, they explicitly said they will ensure that teabagging will still work after the changes.

  5. To fix macros and clicking in general why don’t they put the flashlight on a 1 second delay in between uses so you can still do everything the same with it but you can’t spam it to be annoying

  6. he was 1000000% cheating. no way in hell he gets 3 sprint bursts in 1 chase with no recovery perks. not only that i would bet my left n*t he has a cheat for pallets too. he knew EXACTLY where every pallet was. i thought he had windows of opp but nope

  7. I do believe he was subtle hacking. He was always faster than you somehow, he always had Sprint Burst ready in no time flat and he didn’t run Vigil or Fixated/Self Aware. Idk, seems fishy, but hey, he got his at the end. Good on ya, Tru3! ❤️❤️

  8. You can clearly see how he speeds up when he thinks you can't see him on supposed sprint burst cooldowns he wouldn't have the confidence for macro if he didn't speed hack.


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