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Let’s talk about Ada Wong, Resident Evil’s most secretive character who appears in almost every game alongside Leon, for better or worse. Also with a little appearance from a dear pal of mine…
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Now Ada can join Yun Jin in the "morally questionable girl boss" category of DBD survivors
i played TDSC, its was cool.
I can remember 2 more apparitions from her in the series, Umbrella Chronicles (I played that one but never managed to play the Darkside Chronicles) where you learn that her grappling hook was a gift from Wesker and the movie RE: Damnation, where she meets Leon and the plagas again.
ada gang!
Continuous exposure to the Leon makes Ada better
More people could use the Leon in their life
haircut nice
Sofareks feature is strong
Okay this is probably gonna sound like a hate comment but I try to make it not a hate comment.
I always loved your videos best dbd YouTuber ever I loved this video to! But.. why hate on re6 I loved re6 it’s a really good game actually the mercenaries were the best thing about the game and Ada’s campaign and helena and Leon’s campaign and tbh eveyones campaign was the best. If re6 was bad for you then it was bad for you. But that’s not a good thing to pull up a support group and literally sounding like it was so bad a real human was harm for making the game. I can see capcom being a little angry at you but it’s fine I don’t hate you i will always love your videos but this was not a good video besides Ada.
I like how Jill, Leon, Chris, and Claire's designs were fucked up when released but they got ada and rebecca's designs somewhat spot on in release
As much as I love the remakes I'm still kinda missing how fun the action re games were. Resident evil 5/6 were very fun to play co op games that let you take on the undead with a friend. (Which re is lacking in lately) The combat systems feel satisfiying once you mastered the controls. At this point I'm at least hoping for a Resident evil mercenaries mode game like re resistance if they aren't gonna go back to action.
…But I've played RE Darkside Chronicles and liked RE6…
We love girl bosss trophy
2:21 You should play Darkside Chronicles. Storywise, it's nothing special, acting as a quick cliffnote of 2 and CVX, while providing backstory for Leon and Krauser's history together. However, gameplay wise, it's one of the best railshooters I've played. An absolute banger of a side game, lol
I know it’s a random question that has not much to do with the topic of this video but I can’t decide which killer I should get next, Wesker or Pinhead? They are both good and have good perks
Sorry for the phone call whilst recording and calling you out 😎🫢
Me, an Umbrella AND Darkside Chronicles enjoyer 😎
By any chance think you can talk about Hunk on Dead by Daylight
tbh most surprising thing i learned was that ada wong is not her real name
I am pixel brushes fav
I'm apparently legendary, for I have played the darkside chronicles on wii. Like, a lot. It wasn't particularly good, story wise, it just reheated the same bits of story, but it was fun for the reason I loved it- an engaging on rails shooter that I still didn't find all the collectibles in after years. Hated those dmn monkeys though, the skeeved me out.
I always loved the canon explanation that Ada was at a cocktail party when the raccoon city disaster happened. But then they just put her in the dress in every game she appeared in.
I played Darkside Chronicles, I enjoyed Umbrella Chronicles more because that focused on more established stories vs gap filling for things I really didn't care about like Leon and Krauser's history. We do exist there's dozens of us that have played it!
I have played Darkside Chronicles
I played the Darkside Chronicles because I'm a slut for railshooters 💋
As someone who did actually play both Umbrella Chronicles and Darkside chronicles, Ada had nothing to do with Javier Hidalgo. He got the T-Veronica virus from Wesker in order to try and save his daughter. She had a minor role in Umbrella Chronicles which just shows how she escaped from Raccoon City.
I didn't uh hate resident evil 6, but I also didn't think it was like a super good game. Idk why there is so much absolute hate for it, though. I think people who think re6 so much probably haven't played Dead Aim, or Survivor. Survivor was so bad.
There is one place you missed in her timeline. You completely skipped over her role in Damnation. The CGI movies are canon to the game series.
Ada's presence hardens Leon in every sense of the word. O.O
In my opinion I think Carlos is actually a more mysterious character than Ada for the fact of what we do know about him with Ada we know nothing so there’s nit many questions to ask but with Carlos we know he has Indian blood can speak Spanish but is either from Brazil or South America was a child soldier who joined umbrella for a clean slate and may have gotten plastic surgery for Ada we don’t know her real name but for Carlos we might not even know what his real face is like
Obviously hunk on the list of most mysterious but I wanted to bring this up
Skits are lame.
Miss Amani song, anyone?
I find RE6 to be like TranZit from Call of Duty Black Ops 2: Zombies.
– The visibility is very low.
– The graphics look like someone shit all over the screen.
– The plot became so dumb the devs had to reboot the series in the next game.
– Noone likes the characters better than in the previous games.
– And the only reason I'm interested in them is to laugh at how bad they are.
I feel like out of every RE character Ada and Leon are the ones who’ve earned there happy ending the most can’t wait to see it in RE26
Now do Rebecca please she needs some love