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23 thoughts on “BUFFED KNIGHT? LETS SEE! Dead by Daylight PTB”

  1. The Knight is such an annoying killer, the aesthetics are great and lore. The power is just pointless. You spend so much time casting it you give the chase away and the guard poses no threats apart from a 4-8 second shift W for the survivor. Why don’t they give the guards the ability to have perks via add ons?

  2. I think maybe the fact that you only ever got the long chases with the jailer is the reason it did nothing; the jailor by design is never going to get survivors on his own. Before this PTB you could legit crouch away for 1.5 of his 2.5 second windup and shift+W the rest of the chase and that's enough.

  3. Ugh, watching an inexperienced Knight player use his power improperly is always such a pain. And no I'm not talking about testing out how it functions at long range testing the buff, no I mean at loops. The DBD community doesn't seem to understand that you don't use his power as anti loop except at edges of the map or at specific tiles. The knight is about knowing when to use his power and when not to. He isn't like Blight or Nurse or Huntress. You don't spam his ability. That's the biggest thing to mention is that you don't always use his guards. Keep that in mind the more you play him True. His anti loop is only effect at edges of the map or certain tiles like killer shack. Otherwise he is kind of a mouse one killer. His power is great at area denial. With that in mind, you want to try and protect areas with 3 gens and bringing perks like iron grasp or aggitation work really well with him because you can hook a survivor near your 3 gen. That's his power, area denial and area control. Hooking a survivor near your 3 gen is when he's dangerous. You send a guard from the hook, to your gens you're defending keeping all survivors in a dead lock. Won't work on gens because afraid of being seen by a guard and you can hook camp. Sounds terrible but that is what his power does. PS: notice how I didn't mention his guard is used for hook camping, You do the hook camping while your guard patrols gens for you.

  4. I feel if anything these buffs made him more add on reliant cause now the add ons you want are call to arms the one that extends how far your orb can go hunt duration or double assassin these seem like the best add ons now cause assassin will move faster now but I’m still confused on how they start chase faster is it only the third guard or what if that’s the case then the buffs aren’t as good then cause if anything jailer is the Weakest one now.

  5. the NEW hud is straight up STUPID and even more unbalanced! survivors don't need to see the killer chasing another survivor its literally more free information and free gen time. its bad enough in this game survivors get to spawn next to their objective!. no point in stealth or terror radius killers as much!, as well takes scare away. survivor doesn't even need to be injured anymore to know u just need to see the swords when they appear or disappear giving you more time to hide or run etc….. stealth killer ghost face chases someone can't catch them goes, on to next person survivor but can't find them or takes longer since the chase came off that survivor LOL! WTF DEVS THINKING. clearly it will take time to figure out but and hard to adapt at first but in the end its free info and survivors will get to use it to their benefit for free! yet another free thing they get.

  6. The Knight is a defensive territorial killer, similar to Cannibal and Trapper. He can play offensive but wide open maps play against him. You want closed in areas like corners where you can trap a Survivor and guarantee a hit. Put them in a bad spot and take advantage.

    It's why he's good at 3 Gen strat, his Jailer can patrol for a long time. Assassin is meant for chasing, and Carnifex is meant to keep a player busy for longer times, as well as instant breaking pallets, walls and Generators.

    He's not a great killer, but he is good at holding the line. You can use it to your advantage and guard a hooked Survivor for example while keeping an eye on several Generators.

  7. To me, the worst part is how long it takes to set up the guard, the fact that you stand still while doing it, so you waste even more time, and then they neither chase for very long nor do they patrol long

    Ive never thought they needed to injure, but i feel like for what they're designed to do, they are hardly effective. The LONGEST they can chase is 30 seconds with add ons and depending on the guard, the shortest is 12 seconds. Same with patrol

    It's silly that your only real power can mildly deter one single survivor for 12 seconds at best sometimes without there being any real danger

  8. It seems you have forgotten that the Knights ghost orb now disappears when you go farther than 10m, that also activates the haste effect, the farther the orb is, longer the haste last. You can literally spawn a guard on them too, the same haste rule applies to the guards. As for builds, lethal pursuer is a must for the Knight to get the immediate drop on the survivors, the rest might as well be up to you.


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