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This video overviews Chapter 25 Project W new leaks for the Resident Evil Part 2 Chapter in Dead by Daylight.
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I don't like the Terminus perk…. It completely counters Adrenaline which is fine I guess but the really bad part is that it's gonna be suuuuch a camper perk. If everyone is injured when it procs, the killer can literally facecamp for free because everyone is injured and can't reset so it's impossible to rescue. Survivors are just gonna leave when see they see this perk which is gonna be so boring as no interesting end game play will be made possible
It's pronounced Ooruhboros
That aura while carrying makes the backpack build kinda scary 😅
I would love to try bamboozle and superior anatomy together
Uro voros it's greek…. ουροβόρος …the one who eats his tail
Wow another human killer with a knife, so cool and fresh. Lol God is this really want people like or wanted added to the game?
That Awakened Awareness on a Starstruck + Agitation Nurse might be a bit strong…
i guess, due to leaks, we can confirm that Mike was trolling and saying fakes, it means we will never know about this CRAZIEST license that we can't even imagine
Imagine some of these perks on a blood warden build
I have done the math. If you stack Superior Anatomy with Bamboozle, Fire Up @ 5 stacks AND Myers T3. You get a total 100% faster vault speed making you vault a window in 0.85 seconds. up from the previous best of 1.0625.
If you decide to stack these 3 perks with legion during a feral frenzy you can do a vault in 0.765765… Seconds.
Euro bros
Ok maybe it won’t be as op or as powerful as it sounds but his ability alone has got me hyped cause it sounds awesome to use. Not a big fan of the perks except maybe for awakened awareness but they’re not terrible
Wesker's music is as brutal yet sophisticated as Wesker himself. I'm not disappointed… maybe in the character ability/perk tho – pronunciation. Sounds tight though, his chase music definitely gives me a Wesker vibe. I'm glad I'm going to have Wesker back in something that I play, things have felt a bit empty without him ever since RE5 lol.
Awakened awareness is pretty good with starstruck. Maybe even add iron grasp/agitation.
His matches will last 7 minutes
Damn Wesker keeps trying to expose the world to the Euro Bros
Awakened awareness should fill in the gaps that bbq leaves, which will be nice synergy
This is just insulting to RE fans just like the first chapter. Real shame.
To be honest if these leaks are true i found my new main killer lol wesker has always been one of my favorite RE Monsters and it was super super super sad to hear nemesus come into the game rather than him but with wesker coming in oh man even if this isnt all true still going to be my main tbh but knowing bhvr he will be shipped out either garbage and never get buffed or mediocre at best than nerfed to garbag status in 1 day because "this isn't hentai stop slamming me into walls"
Starstruck Nurse with that Awakend Awareness perk is gonna hurt so hard.
Vault speed for bamboozle nurse
I think capcom should make a what if car anime does and an Alternate timeline where the villain succeed it's plans. How's that for a cliffhanger.
Albert's power himself seems very interesting but I'm very let down by his perks they are very underwhelming in my opinion
I'd use him just for the chase music.
Ouroboros is pronounced like “oorow boorows” and ada is like ayda