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Read more Dead by Daylight ➜
Broadcasted live on Twitch — Watch live at
Imagine the pig got an addon that made her growl effect the entire map
Idea for hybrid killer game mode Micheal/deathslinger expose everyone then reel them in and down them lol
anyone know how many hours tru3 has in this game? Its gotta be crazy high
Double L walls are my favorite to loop on killers
Killer powers stay the same but are visually changed into other killers models but the killer player knows their power it would be interesting seeing a killers model but try and work out their power as survivor for a different game mode
5:36 spastic
I have only ever heard "TL" so I read this like, "LT? Who Tf is Lieutenant?"
TL with a gen on one side and two boxes on the other tho so it doesnt apply on all TLs
That’s how eh still gonna lose tho
After so many years, seeing a DBD video has made me recover brain cells!
Someone actually called it LT wall instead of TL wall. Like seriously, how dumb can this community be?
Phenomenal is extremely pathetic
Imagine a game mode where it was 2 killers , 8 survivors , got to complete 10 gens and it cost 100k blood points. It sounds kinda wild but man the content it would create would be mind blowing 😊
God, that Meg cosmetic 🤤
Imagine Billy crossed with Bubba
Noone had fun, noone got points, that's how it is in dbd
did you fire your editor? who is making these new video cards?
Everybody go to 5:29. I got jump scared for a second. Friggin meg
I have a Oni… I have a legion.. Uhhhhh Onion.
Survivor mains be like: that’s two hooks too many nerf her!
I think that gamemode if it was added should have no ranking system, just a fun casual gamemode
Huntress with Legion would be awesome because then she can frenzy hatchets