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This Sneak Attack build was an absolute blast and the survivors were all good sports in the end, even after TBAGGIN ME! LOL Enjoy the video and please hit that LIKE BUTTON!
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#intothefog #Cocojobro #DeadbyDaylight #Twitch #DBD #Pinhead #Hellraiser
Utilize everything
03:50 yes, at short loops for sure. I wish they buffed his power so the further away survivors are the longer it takes them to break his chains. So it wouldn't be op at loops but would still be somewhat useful to get to survivors who gained some distance on him
Maybe I’m wrong but wouldn’t tinkerer work better for being undetectable?
4:51 That's the new "fix" to the issue of being able to snipe survivors through pallets.
he came
The box. You opened it. We came.
Plaything gameplay!!
Too bad you didn’t inflict blindness on them. But the idea is pretty much the same.
He looks fun to play, but I think he is similar to clown. Hope the dev buffs his power.
Hey Hey Friends and Happy Monday! Hope yall are having a great start to your week! Got a fun match for you today and Wednesday we got another! Possibly Pinhead Guide on Friday since he might be coming out on Sept 7th so stay tune! Have a good one friends! <3
I really love how calm you are against toxic people
That back and forth throughout the game!
this group is maybe annoying to go against, but they prove Pinhead's strength with Altruistic pressure
I want nothing more on my bday than for Coco to mention me in one of his videos
This was fun to watch. Thanks Coco.
SWF teabags at pallets
refuses to elaborate
In all honesty though, this was a good match, I don't do all too good against SWF's like these, so seeing you being able to win is really impressive to me
STBFL would make SwF mates take a second gander at taking protection hits. Taking a hit would be soo punishing as STBFL is unforgiving 😅
It’s my turn to came😈
why did he only say the i came part