All 125 Survivor Perks Explained & Tierlisted | Dead by Daylight

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This video breaks down the current meta (most effective tactic available) when it comes to Survivor perks in the current 7.1.0 update of Dead by Daylight. If you think I forgot some key information, be sure to share it below in the comments for others to see!

Image form:

0:00:00 Introduction
0:01:01 Adrenaline
0:03:35 Off the Record
0:06:28 Deliverance
0:09:14 Reassurance
0:11:55 Made for this
0:15:39 Unbreakable
0:18:36 Sprint burst
0:20:32 Prove thyself
0:23:36 Windows of opportunity
0:26:21 Kindred
0:28:33 Hope
0:31:11 Decisive strike
0:33:44 For the people
0:36:27 Lithe
0:38:01 Distortion
0:39:55 Resilience
0:41:49 Overcome
0:43:52 Built to last
0:45:33 Streetwise
0:47:38 Déjà Vu
0:49:36 Troubleshooter
0:52:31 Balanced landing
0:54:31 We’ll make it
0:56:13 Renewal
0:57:53 Botany knowledge
0:59:19 Bond
1:01:01 Lucky break
1:03:23 Inner healing
1:05:36 Dead hard
1:08:55 Boon: Circle of healing
1:10:49 Any means nessesary
1:12:35 Wiretap
1:14:09 Boon: Exponential
1:16:14 Boon: Shadow Step
1:17:49 No one left behind
1:20:11 Borrowed time
1:23:26 We’re gonna live forever
1:26:34 Saboteur
1:29:52 Blood rush
1:33:13 Mettle of man
1:36:08 Open handed
1:38:16 Alert
1:40:12 Camaraderie
1:43:18 Fogwise
1:45:01 Breakdown
1:47:02 Reactive Healing
1:49:08 Hyperfocus
1:54:10 Iron Will
1:56:04 Tenacity
1:58:08 Leader
1:59:31 Vigil
2:01:56 Parental Guidance
2:03:30 Head On
2:05:04 Flip-flop
2:06:47 Power Struggle
2:09:19 Blast Mine
2:11:18 Scavenger
2:16:20 Potential Energy
2:19:25 Stake Out
2:21:32 Soul Guard
2:23:51 Sole Survivor
2:27:11 Dark Sense
2:28:22 Empathy
2:29:48 Aftercare
2:31:23 Wake Up!
2:33:02 Desperate Measures
2:35:15 Self-aware
2:38:26 Detective’s Hunch
2:40:27 Pharmacy
2:42:46 Slippery Meat
2:45:15 Up the Ante
2:47:26 Breakout
2:50:06 Guardian
2:51:40 Resurgence
2:53:37 Background Player
2:55:54 Quick and Quiet
2:58:43 Self-care
3:01:35 Empathic Connection
3:02:58 Lightweight
3:05:11 Boil Over
3:08:03 Situational Awareness
3:09:38 Clairvoyance
3:12:01 Left Behind
3:13:06 Smash Hit
3:15:17 Blood Pact
3:17:31 Flashbang
3:19:30 Spine Chill
3:22:18 Fast Track
3:24:23 Overzealous
3:27:08 Bite the Bullet
3:29:07 Visionary
3:31:07 Self-preservation
3:32:42 Plunderer’s Instinct
3:34:22 Ace in the Hole
3:36:21 Small Game
3:37:50 Buckle Up
3:38:44 Teamwork: Power of Two
3:39:46 Urban Evasion
3:42:34 Inner Focus
3:43:56 Counterforce
3:45:31 Residual Manifest
3:47:01 Teamwork: Collective Stealth
3:47:45 Dance with Me
3:49:12 Deception
3:52:23 Rookie Spirit
3:54:34 Boon: Dark Theory
3:56:04 Solidarity
3:58:04 Technician
4:00:32 Premonition
4:01:41 Autodidact
4:03:51 Cut Loose
4:05:16 Poised
4:06:19 This Is Not Happening
4:07:37 Friendly Competition
4:09:21 Better than New
4:10:51 Appraisal
4:12:51 Repressed Alliance
4:14:57 Diversion
4:16:18 Low Profile
4:17:54 Corrective Action
4:19:02 Object of Obsession
4:21:06 Red Herring
4:22:33 Calm Spirit
4:24:18 Quick Gambit
4:26:23 No Mither
4:27:45 Meta Build Examples

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45 thoughts on “All 125 Survivor Perks Explained & Tierlisted | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Blast mine is kind of a meme just for the giggles. But it does have one solid gold use. If you suck with flashlights as I do, it is THE BEST way of completing blind the killer archive challenges.

  2. I went from running very safe perks like deliverance, adrenaline, prove thyself. But now I'm preferring information perk more than anything, bond, kindred, windows of opportunity, ace in the hole, is my main build now. Kindred with ace is surprisingly powerful, your teammates can see the killer from an insane distance if he's proxy camping or chasing someone around the hook. Do not sleep on the info perks because your comfort zone is S-A tier

  3. I honestly would have put Smash Hit in Terrible. I get it's an exhaustion perk, but you need to waste a pallet to trigger it, the killer needs to play in a certain way (killers can respect pallets and deny you the perk), it requires you to win the "is he gonna drop the pallet?"-mind game, and on top of that, you are playing on DbD servers… We all know how those hit validations and hitboxes can be sometimes, don't pretend 😊

  4. I feel like there needed to be another tier. Too many perks are packed into Decent, especially ones that are… well, not 'decent.' Empathy is one of the best perks in the game (in solo queue) since it effectively gives you near total information on teammate locations and killer behavior across the whole map. More than decent. Then we have, as one of its neighbors, Self-Aware. Which is… not quite so decent. And Self-Care. Which… yeah.

  5. Nice Video as always Otz, however you made a few mistakes. For example Reactive Healing has 32m of Range and Inner Healing takes 8 seconds to heal and not 14. The Problem is that I'm not sure if you just said it wrong or you thought those were the real numbers and ranked them based on that.

  6. Still using the old icons for the Stranger Things perks is one thing, but you couldn't decide which names to use either XD

    Seriously though, thank you so much for this, these kinds of guides just are some of the most valuable DBD info out there

  7. Sorry to say but. You said something like "this perk is good vs twins" and i literally have never met twins, even once. So if perk is good only/mainy vs twins it shouldn't be 4/5*. Perks are picked blind so it should not rely on enemy killer. Ranking should woild into blind picking cuz you dont know vs what you are playing. Made for this + resilience is awesome combo but what if you face Oni? You have to stay healed 24/7 not be stronger while injured

  8. Maybe it's just me but i found playing with OoO really fun. It's more agressive distortion what's work for me. Distortion is more save and OoO is more risky but it's fun for me

    Also fun fact: Lethal Pursuer extend Object's passive when you are an obsession.

  9. incredible job otz, thx for your explanation, your last video was insane too. it helped me a lot even if i have 1200h on the game. a very good player with a lot of experience explain all the perks is always very cool

  10. In my opinion spine chill is not a bad choice for solo player

    It gives an alert whenever killer is approaching (no matter the killer has terror radius or not), such that a survivor can pre-leave

    As an info perk that can counter ambush killer, it is a decent perk for solo player

  11. 2:31:23 Wake Up! – You forgot to mention that the perk also let's you see the auras of the Exit games at all times.

    Wonderful video Otz! Thank you for contributing to the community!

  12. These are just some of my personal comments about the perks. You'll notice a trend of me mentioning that the best perks all scale with the skill of the team, and that's because perks that are just good in every situation, or which always give value regardless of player skill, get nerfed because the pissing and moaning never ends lol

    Adrenaline: the better the squad, the better the perk. If your team loves to walk along the edges of the map, it'll never trigger. If you have a duo slamming out gens with prove thyself and toolboxes, the killer will have a panic attack.

    Off the record: good shit, but it also scales somewhat with team skill and party size. If you can't communicate, it's hard to block for your homies. If they don't heal you, then you're just "healthy" until you take a game action.

    Deliverance: If you want to be chased first, take this perk. Know that you'll have to play more passively for the first 30 seconds of the game for safety's sake.

    Reassurance: This is the most fair perk in the game. Anyone who tells you this perk represents a problem is someone who needs to reevaluate how they have chosen to spend their time.

    Made for this: the newer you are, the less you'll understand how massive 3% is. It won't let you just outrun hillbilly in open ground, sure, but the more corners a killer has to take, the bigger the difference you'll see. Plus, occasional endurance is sick – it can sometimes turn around a game by letting you save a slug AND keep your feet.

    Unbreakable: One in 6-10 games, this perk will completely overturn the results. The rest of the time you'll just be downed, picked up, and hooked each chase, and you'll have to survive with 3 perks for the match. If you're on a team, at least one person should have this, no objections.

    Sprint Burst: how do you spot a beginner meg? Easy, she walks everywhere lol sprint burst is great for saving your bacon if there's a garbage gen with zero coverage, or if you need to be somewhere ASAP!

    Prove Thyself: This is a nasty one. You're going to get PAID if you bring it, and it's so powerful that there's no concern you're being blinded by greed lol

    Windows of opportunity: it's aight. My favourite build is using it, bond, visionary, and open-handed to just cover my screen in yellow and give me decision paralysis lmao

    Kindred: there's been a petition to make this perk baseline for the last 2-3 years, since it's basically a visual representation of the SWF advantage. If you're going solo, definitely consider this one.

    Hope: much like adrenaline, this perk scales dramatically with the team's MMR and skill. If you have 2 megs and a default dwight, you're gonna want to swap off this bad boy. If you're good AND have friends, this perk is a montage in a can.

    Decisive: ehh, after three rounds of nerfs, I think this is basically obsolete. It does let you combo into other defensive options, but it's a lot weaker than it used to be.

    For the Peepo: This is two ranks higher than it should be, because Otz loves it dearly. I completely understand, it's his tierlist and he's totally in the right to put the perks wherever he sees fit. F-t-P isn't "bad", but you need to not be the one at-risk for it's fringe benefits to pay out.

    Lithe: it's aight. You can run with it, so that's one of the weaknesses of Sprint Burst removed. You do lose out on some of your speed boost time if you're vaulting a pallet instead of a window, due to the longer vaulting animation.

    Distortion: this perk is one of my favourites. I live playing the minigame of "what exactly ate my stack there", and it only gets better with friends to callouts with.

    Resilience: ehh, it's ok. Wouldn't write home about it, but it's probably a 3.5/5 so I get it. Pairs well with other perks that make you more efficient while injured, so it has strong synergies you could overperk into lol

    Overcome: this is a perk where you NEED to be able to parse what's going on at a billion miles a second, since having all that injured speed for this long is mentally taxing lol

    Built to Last: Ehhh, it's pretty good? It was a LOT better before they nerfed the shit out of medkits, but it's fine. Pairs well with other perks that improve your items, since they'll scale multiplicatively.

    Streetwise: the fact that this stacks with other copies of itself is WILD, there's basically nothing else in the game that works like this. One of the perks that stack multiplicatively with item boosters.

    Deja-vu: I've just been in this place before (higher on the street) and I know it's my time to go! This perk does huge work in preventing your team from getting absolutely RAILED by a nasty 3-gen. I used to use it back when it was worse in every way, and it was still good then. Would recommend, 100%

    Will add more as the video goes on

  13. I had a nightmare one time where the devs thought Calm Spirit deserved to be nerfed, but it was just a dream surely something so ridiculous couldn't happen in real life.

    The devs decision making can be trusted


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