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Is Jane and The Plague related in any way, or is it random? How does BHVR decide who to put in their chapters? This vid is the answer!

00:00 Premise DON’T SKIP
00:48 Nurse X Nea
01:54 Hag X Ace
03:23 Doctor X Feng Min
04:14 Huntress X David
05:32 Clown X Kate
06:25 Spirit X Adam
07:48 Legion X Jeff
09:22 Plague X Jane
10:49 Oni X Yui Kimura
12:50 Deathslinger X Zarina
14:51 Blight X Felix
16:44 Twins X Elodie
18:09 Trickster X Yun Jin
19:14 Artist X Jonah
20:20 Dredge X Haddie
22:18 Knight X Vittorio

This video talks about the relationship of each chapter’s killer to its survivor. We talk about Last Breath, Of Flesh and Mud, Spark of Madness, Curtain Call, Darkness Among Us, Demise of the Faithful, Shattered Bloodline, Cursed Bloodline, Chains of Hate, Descend Beyond, Forged in Fog, A binding of Kin, All Kill and Roots of Dread and Portrait of a Murder

#dbd #intothefog #dead_by_daylight


44 thoughts on “ALL Dead By Daylight CHAPTERS CONNECTION EXPLAINED (DLC)”

  1. Welp now you know that Jane and Plague are the same, but different time periods 😀 Who knows maybe Jane would have been an amazing priestess and Adiris an amazing TV host!

  2. I would love to see a full video on how the Artist and Jonah are connected! A little is said in Jonah’s tome lore mentioning he saw a bird lady and the mention of Mora (The Artist’s last name). Would love to see how they are connected further!

  3. Jeff and the Legion are also connected trough Jeff’s backstory as he used to be a troublemaker like during teenage years and early 20’s up until a bar fight left all blooded and with a scars

  4. David and Huntress also share a theme of resilience. The Huntress being a strong hunter who was able to survive the harsh wilderness as a child after her mother died and later even squadrons of soldiers couldn't take her down, and David who could take near fatal blows and just brush them off and keep fighting.

  5. The David one is a very big reach and not really a connection. I don't like the idea of 'because he's gay so he had a hard time in his life' because there's nothing in his backstory to say that. I think the fact that both are highly resilient is a better connection – that David did these spars not out of rage like the Huntress but because he wanted to be tougher.

  6. I disagree that David and Huntress's connections are the weakest of the pairings. I agree with the connections you drew, but I think the connection between David and Huntress is that social isolation/confusion can happen regardless of upbringing, AS WELL AS their strong desires for love as a result of having holes in their hearts, having their minds warped by parent(s), and the prevalence of instincts in their lives. Both David and Huntress ended up as major social outcasts who deep down just want someone to love unconditionally, but they never get that as a result of (1) never having felt that kind of love before, (2) not understanding that type of love BECAUSE they've never felt it before, or (3) not realizing that they had that love until it's too late.
    Growing up in a very rich family, David is constantly pushing people/partners away (out of instinct, even though it is not at all what he ACTUALLY wants to do) because his extremely wealthy parents have brainwashed him into being ashamed of who he is and to keep it all bottled up, leading to countless violent outbursts that arise out of instinct to stay guarded and frustration at having these instincts and having to hide who he is. These outbursts and his general coldness towards others keep him extremely isolated, but all he wants is to feel love and have someone and live the life he wants to live, but his instincts prevent that. He found that kind of love with Tristan, but didn't recognize/appreciate it while he had it, and he spent the rest of his life until the night the Entity took him trying to fill the hole in his heart that Tristan created with alcohol and fighting. He had the realization that Tristan was his true love too late, lost his chance, and was almost immediately taken by the Entity after that.
    Growing up in the woods, the Huntress is extraordinarily socially isolated to the point of being feral, not being able to speak and acting on instincts alone like an animal. She grew up with her mom who only taught about hunting and survival and nothing else, until she died when the Huntress was young, which created a hole in her heart that she desperately wanted to fill with love and affection. This leads her to kill families and kidnap their daughters so that she could have a source of love, but she doesn't understand love or the children she kidnaps, as they all starve to death because the Huntress doesn't realize they need to eat, forever keeping her from ever feeling that love.
    As I was writing this, I came up with a bunch of other connections in the themes of their lores, but these are the biggies for me. The last one I will add is that they were both taken by the Entity right after they had both lost their shots at love: David was taken right after he lost Tristan for good, and the Huntress was taken after WW1 had started and all of the families stopped coming to her forest, just German soldiers fighting in the war, so there were no more children for her to try to get love from.

  7. This video is amazing alot of work put into it no doubt! & I appreciate you making this so much as its very insightful when I don't get to spend more time reading all the characters lore or even some of my favorites due to only being able to play this when using my phones Hotspot to play luckly my phone has unlimited data for vids like these tho!

  8. For me, it was always headcanon that Doctor was indirectly responsible for the Dredge being in the Entitys realm. From what i understood, the Black Vale cult summons beings like Dredge to sacrifice people to it and thereby to the entity. So its kinda: Summon -> Feast -> Dismissal. But during the time the Dredge was allowed to roam free, Otto came back to Lerys…and met his end by Herman. So with the summoner dead, Dredge couldnt be send back, so the Entity saw a new recruit.

    Its only my personal headcanon, so i may be completely wrong. But i like to think of it as true

  9. About Felix and Blight: First, the Pariahs isn't the name of the group Felix's parents belonged to, as that was the group Felix and Élodie were part of, which was comprised of children of the Imperiatti (the real name of their parents' circle)
    Second, I think the important unilateral connection you forgot is that their parents were taken by the Entity in Blight's old laboratory, while protecting their children from that fate.

  10. An important detail you forgot about the Doctor and Feng connection is that Doctor was based off an irl Chinese Doctor Who used cruel and unusual electroshock "therapies" to try and treat video game addictions, usually on children

  11. talking about the connection between Jeff & the Legion funny enough reminded me of a previous match I had in the game. I was playing as Legion on Coldwind Farm and one of my survivors was, ironically, a Jeff. the Jeff ended up being the last survivor and I was generous enough and gave him the hatch. Guess you could say what I did was a friendly repayment for Jeff's commission for the Legion.

  12. Great video! Zarina and Deathslinger have some of my favorite thematic parallels. In my view, Zarina and Deathslinger go about changing the system that they live under in very different ways. Deathslinger is being oppressed by systemic problems but only sees the individuals who wrong him as the cause of his problems, this leads him to misguided vengeance that not only leaves him feeling hollow, but also ironically makes him a tool for the very system he is oppressed under. Zarina on the other hand sees that individuals are not the problem systems are. Indeed, when a gang member kills her father she does not seek revenge upon the man himself (something Deathslinger certainly would have done), she seeks to address the systemic cause, which is gang violence and prejudice.

  13. The good writing is often lost of the fan base. Even the lore buffs don’t really get the themes of the chapters. For example, they see Carmina as poorly written when all her tragedy defines her character.

  14. jane and plague are pillars of the game's lgbtq+ community, they're probably one of the most beloved female characters by the community.
    cause they're both women who had trouble being abandoned both of whom despite everything find positive father figures in their life who help them realized their full potential and went on to be a celebrity and have successful lives, in the case of adiris she literally gave a piece of herself to her gods for her community. if that isn't queen behavior idk what is.

  15. gotta love how jonah probably killed more people than every original killer combined and caused thousands of people to lose their home as well as multigenerational trauma to hundreds of families, is masked with humor and comedy.
    yet carmina who was emotionally and verbally abused, gas lighted from childhood that everything wrong in her family's life was her fault despite being a literal child, lived under a real world brutal dictatorship that had everyone around her murdered in terrifying fashion, then tortured and interrogated by them.

    yet carmina is one who ended up being the monster here. tf bhvr?

  16. Hey mintskull love your vids man , you showed up out of nowhere and your already one of my favorite dbd creators my favorite videos yoy make are the fun fact ones keep up the good work bro <3


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