THESE GENS LEGIT? – Dead by Daylight!

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31 thoughts on “THESE GENS LEGIT? – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. Tru3… its time to let dead games die. Why won't you move on to greener pastures? The devs clearly dont care about this game. Its sad to watch you get cheated time and again, and its only getting worse with no recourse in sight. I've been watching you play for years, you even inspired me to pick up the game. After playing it myself i could see the writing on the wall. This game is over and pretty soon all those cheats will just be baked into the game. The will become so subtle that you won't know if ANY of the players are legit to begin with. Its time to let this game go bro. Its dead and gone.

  2. Lucky I haven't gone against hackers yet, but I just reached gold ranks and I've been going agaisnt survivors that exploit the map. On the game I had a claudette jump into a locker and I couldn't grab her out of it so I had to wait for her to come out. Long story short she got the demo mori.

  3. Fun fact DBD is going to be free on Epic Games next Thursday. I don't know the details of what is involved in cheating but I'd imagine having a few dozen free spare accounts that can get banned isn't going to help the situation…

  4. This is so f sad i remember playing dbd when it came out everyone was scared was hiding for the killer and now 2021 cheater cheater cheater how do the devs not care a game that has been made with love and is now getting destroyed by the same dev team so sad!

  5. Dead Hard and Power Struggle. But no perks equipped. Seems right. LMAO. Now imagine he wouldn't have chased Quentin. We wouldn't have known there was a cheater in this match. That's the saddest thing, they're so subtle 😓

  6. True did you report the cheater? They ban instant power struggle, instant gate opening and all of the impossible stuff. Don't wanna give away what they can't ban but he's getting banned

  7. 1st gen- 1:24 (84 secs)
    2nd gen- 2:10 (+46 secs)
    3rd gen- 2:59 (+49 secs)
    4th gen- 3:22 (+23 secs)
    5th gen- 4:53 (+1m31 secs)

    The time on the first two gens are spaced enough to make them look like a legit efficient team as it's certainly possible to have 3 gens close to being done at the start of the game but there's no way gens 3 & 4 look legit the cheater has to realize that…

    You have deadlock which should add 30 seconds to at least one of the gens (either 3 or 4) but they were finished at pretty much the exact time it takes 2 people to do a gen together and I'm sorry but only a comp team could have that level of organized efficiency to be able to get every gen on the map done in 47 sec while continuously rotating off unblocked gens once deadlock blocks the one they're on.

    That level of efficiency simply doesn't exist in regular swf. If the loser just resisted the urge to hit you with power struggle there's a pretty good chance you wouldn't have even noticed too.

    This is the state of DBD, cheaters using what they think are subtle action speed increases.

  8. The way he plays Demo…
    My god,is hurting my eyes.

    How do you fuck up as demogorgon on SHACK?
    That's where he thrives.

    And yea,he tunnels and camps again,waiting for survivors to come to him and not him to them.
    He's getting worse at killer by the minute with this bad playstyle.

  9. oh my goodness i must be way too tired cause i was so into Tru3 chasing that i didnt even notice the one gen left at 3:26, i had to rewind the vid back and glue my eyes to the gen. number, i thought the title would include him getting like a 4 k with 3 gens left…i was certainly wrong…absolutely insane☠️🤣☠️

  10. I always said that too, the biggest ego players are the cheaters, they do not use speed hack at max, just a lil bit, they only finish gens quick when killer is occupied, etc…


    It is like the great players we see on internet that NEVER PLAY A PRESENCIAL TOURNAMENT…


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