CAN THE DOC GET 1 HOOK? – Dead by Daylight!

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7 thoughts on “CAN THE DOC GET 1 HOOK? – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. Why is he so damn pretentious. I like tru he is great at this game but my god he has such a massive ego, at regular lvl of play and all of it was streamed for proof what he did is factual, hate it all you want but what otz did is true. What more do you want from him, he played the game and did what he said he did. While tru sits here creating a toxic community that is turning to hate every other creator and that camping and tunneling is the only way to win as killer which is making all the low rank low tier killers play like scum. I miss when tru gave actual opinions stated why and how and made sense but now it’s all him gloating how good he is and that everyone must trust in his vision of the game only because he’s “Top MMR” and only ever vs top tier players. A game should be focused for middle ground as best as possible not it’s best or it’s lowest players but it’s middle of the rode average gamer. Stop shitting on others and there content and basically saying they arnt valid just because it’s not “The strongest teams” you want to prove it then you do the same damn test. You claim you go up against the best on a constant bases, so you do it and prove how “unrealistic” it is.

  2. Worst mistake I ever made in DBD was making a forum account to address the balance of killers. I didn't think so many people want to work for BHVR or something I don't know. But that site is literally filled with descendants from Cuckoo Land


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