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Doing a Spirit Winstreak with over 185 wins in a row can sometimes make you complacent and more likely to make mistakes, costing the entire streak
Thanks for watching! Be sure to check out my Twitch channel, link below 🙂
Love RPD
You’re really good with spirit
i was here for this!! really stressful stuff, ray has plot armor tho so she brought it back.
im on time.
Is there sound bug on spirit? I've been getting it every game where the survivors don't scream after getting hit and even the hit itself doesn't make a sound
Congratulations, Ray!!
That comeback was absolutely insane
most normal fucking pain res hook spawns
Hi I’m new here this is my first time watching your videos and I think I’ll be subbing ❤
You sholud start making more videos!
As a spirit main this is amazing to see ur disgusting with her
Definitely had to trust the process when there was 1 gen left 😮💨
Win is a 3k?
spirit is broken now, no hit sounds and in chase too. im spirit main but i don’t want to play as her this time. thats why u have a problems in this match
The scourge hook spawns were so disgustingly unlucky.
Spirit with a good head set is way more overpowered than made for this.
The spirits audio is actually bugged right now, I have had this issue with thinking they had iron will but they actually didn't. When hitting them out of phase they make no screaming noise when going down. Seems like 50% of all actions taken is all muffled.