Am I Quitting Dead by Daylight? | The Future of My Channel!

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Am I quitting Dead by Daylight?

Well no, not yet anyway. But maybe one day I will.

I want to keep you all updated on my plans for the channel in 2021, so here you go.

#gaming #dbd

My name is Tericho!

I am a video game content creator on YouTube and Twitch!

Twitter: @terichoyt


33 thoughts on “Am I Quitting Dead by Daylight? | The Future of My Channel!”

  1. This chapter coming up is going to be the determining factor for me. It's gonna decide if i stay with the game or if i move on. No matter what happens I'll still be enjoying your content all the same.

  2. I'm just happy you're branching out. Keep it up. You deserve better and to have fun. Games are meant to be fun, Dead by daylight is just stressful and frustrating for the boring and buggy gameplay

  3. Dead by Daylight does not deserve the success it has. Play other games. BVHR cares more about selling auric cells and selling battle passes than they do about game health.

  4. Honestly, I think I'm done with Dead By Daylight.. the last chapter and this upcoming mid-chapter are BAD. I don't like the direction the developers are taking this game..

  5. I agree that it's pretty tiring to be angry and annoyed with things all the time and that you eventually just wanna drop the subject. People trying to deflect your criticism with stupid arguments like "you're entitled/a whiner/a hater" doesn't help either. I think you just have to accept that a bunch of people are morons and can't think for themselves or simply do not want to accept the fact that they're bootlickers. It's unfortunate, but that's just how it is.

  6. Try out the game 'Deceit' it's free on Steam, it's made by a small group of students i believe.
    They recently put out a huge update to enchance the gameplay and then a patch the next few days to fix the problems so it's clear for me that they care about their project.

    Try it you wont regret it, but it's not exactly a game to stream that's the only issue, as you can be stream sniped and people will know you are the ''killer''

  7. I'm biased but I would personally love to see some Genshin Impact content! But that might be better suited for Twitch since I know it doesn't suit your channel. Either way, I'm really looking forward to the future videos you put out!

  8. I’ve been playing this game for about two years now. I played almost daily for at least 3 hours, and tbh, I’m done with the game

    The devs have just been too frustrating for me tbh. They’re so condescending about player’s complaints and take years to implement simple changes. Not to mention all the bugs that appear every single patch

    The game isn’t worth my time when the devs clearly don’t care

  9. the killers are over powered the game stay having glitches the hitboxs are broken asf there no mics so theres no team work . the survivors camp all day and if there people partying they will just save there teammates and not you the killers have the server on there side so it gives them a huge advantage . There launch animation last long asf ill still get hit when trying to do 360's the game is not balance at all. and all is just on the survivors side of things

  10. Honest opinion:
    I enjoy DBD a lot, i agree to you that the developers are going to the money direction. But in the end i still want the new chapters and play the new rift. But we still need People like you criticizing Developers choices. But new resi and lil nightmares Sound kinda interesting Maybe i will tune in

  11. I wouldn't blame anyone for quitting this terribly designed game. It's unbalanced. They don't put too much effort into making Dead By Daylight and their community a better place. There are many times I been frustrated and felt hopeless playing Dead By Daylight through 2020 – 2021. So good for you to speak on this.
    Edit: Have A Good Day <3 and also been playing since late November 2017 through now.

  12. As a new player (40 hours) I read things, watch things, play the game and aren't sure what to think. The fact that I might of come into a game with alot of potential but with greedy Dev's makes me sad. I look a at the total cost of the DLC and I shake my head, even at half price all the DLC would come to over $100 Aussie dollars which is a joke. It's taken alot of steam out of my hype train about playing the game.

  13. Dbd can be a fun game but it’s poorly balanced and the devs are incompetent.
    It’s fun in short bursts but if you play it for hours and hours everyday you start to see all the issues.
    I also agree that the last few chapters have been half assed, lazy chapters.

  14. i quit this game 2 years ago and went back for the odd game and deleted it after each match I had played. i used to really like this game and even told many people about it but unfortunately it just became boring. i did play it constantly for a year so that’s probably the reason why but since giving it up for 2 years I don’t think I care about it anymore. to know that the game has been out for 5 years and they haven’t added ONE new game mode or an arcade mini game mode makes this game just so boring. the killers are not even killers as the survivors just troll the hell out of you (and that’s coming from a survivor main) but yeah it’s kinda dead

  15. I've set a deadline for dbd, if by the end of the year dbd doesn't fix the major problems in it I'm gonna quit, and if the next chapter is as bad or worse as the last one I'll quit early but pop in like every chapter to see if things are going right.


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