Analyzing a Higher Level Match – Dead by Daylight

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35 thoughts on “Analyzing a Higher Level Match – Dead by Daylight”

  1. There was no stretched res for that sweet aesthetic

    Match faked in KYF tbh

    Really hoping for better days to come faster for you, Mr. Jund. You're a rather almost maybe possibly decently great guy

  2. This is pretty much the best you could do as a pub survivor on this map as survivor there isn’t many resources as far as jungle gyms every pallet is extremely vital. A whole half of the map is big boat. The other half is dock and killer shack everything else isn’t really that great. The fact they did well vs Scott is pretty impressive. It’s not easy considering how many deadzones there are compared to other maps. Nothing bad about Scott I saw nothing but good decisions fundamentally well played.

    I really wish Scott could win by outplaying survivors at loops instead of zoning but it’s all good

  3. Something to note about the downed Feng at the 99'd gen: The Zarina was hooked only 10 metres away and once Jane unhooked they both ran to the gen/Feng and multitasked. I feel like running away to the healthy Ace working on a dull totem in a corner of the map was a misplay on your end in that situation, and not in the way that was unforeseeable.

  4. High-Tier Killer Mains: Okay so the Jane was unhooked 49.9563 seconds ago so she still has DS, I can't chase the Ace over here because it's too safe, the Feng is on one of my 3-gens so I'll loop around wide to herd her into an area that's now dead because I was 0.0094% more efficient than the Nea in a previous chase and I got rid of the pallets over there, so now I ca–

    High-Tier Survivor Mains: Oh fug I saw the killer/heard their heartbeat/my Spine Chill blipped for 1/10th of a second, better hold W to the safest loop so I can hold W around it. :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

  5. hey scott!
    hope you get better
    i know this has nothing to do with this video but i kinda wanna ask you
    have you ever tried using blight’s slide to your advantage? like butter shack, hug tech or scootslide
    because i’m your streams and videos you always hates so much on it so i don’t think you’re aware of those 180 flicks you can do just by sliding!

  6. They def could have won this if they didn't keep going back to that gen near the long wall. The other two were so far away they could have split up and stopped the snowball. Their main mistake.

  7. The other thing Scott is that smart, experienced survivors can also spot a smart, experienced killer (hence them running away as soon as you look in their direction). If u were a baby demo they probably would've been more inclined to repair/heal in your face.

  8. This video tells us two things
    1.In a high tear match, the only way killer can fight back is to have Ruin up in the entire match.Or play nurse obviously.
    2.How patheticly efficient to not play nicely.
    What a sad game DBD become. In my opinion.

  9. Good video scott and from what I hear the twitch fans don't mind if you want to keep to yourself sometimes when you play. See, they love you no matter what lol.

  10. I always thought that seeing survivors with lethal pursuer, going towards where multiple people spawned was the right play, unless there’s a solo near you and they are all far away so you pressure multiple people

  11. Scott, I have a new Survivor Quest for you, which I've dubbed, "Scott Free!"

    For the People, Iron Will, self care, 4th perk whatever you want. Bring any medkit with a Styptic agent.

    98% heal yourself with the medkit, then activate styptic agent before you fully heal, and finish heal with self care. You are now healthy with the entrance status effect. The challenge is to trigger For the People on a downed survivor, or an injured one mid chase, allowing you and the person you heal to get away Scott free :). The timing would have to be incredibly on point, and it could provide some fun gameplay and content for your stream.

  12. Why are indoor maps even a thing in dbd legit only like 4 killers have fun and everyone gets screwed over by in door maps like either u are Michael gf or pig and u can have a somewhat decent time but then survivors just hide the whole game, I don't know a single normal person who likes indoor maps (maybe the game cuz its open ish but it still sucks for the bottom floor) i mean other than Micheals that run wall hacks like who is having fun on Hawkins or Lerrys I mean survivors have to spend way too much time to find gens and if there's corrupt have fun spending another hour finding a gen to do. and then killers get screwed over because to GET to the gens is always a pain, it feels like your in a maze. so I'm wondering why there's indoor maps when barely anyone actually benefits from playing on the map (this is just me ranting I'm playing huntress and all I get is lerrys and Hawkins and its starting to get to me)


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