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30 thoughts on “IM ENJOYING KILLER AGAIN! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. "I find a build and makes playing killer fun, then it gets nerfed"

    The fact that survivors don't have to say this shows that this game is 100% survivor sided. BHVR doesn't look at the strong survivor builds and thinks they need a nerf. While they look at what makes killers viable in the higher mmr and nerf them.

  2. I see Tru3 has finally loweres his competitive itch for DbD, which is a good thing. In it's current state taking the game seriously will either create a personal hell of a constant sweat loops or make you upset about all the consistently cheap mechanics that rob you of a well deserved win.

    You have always been a solid entertainer with an educational influence Tru3 and seing you more accepting of DbDs mediocrity has really improved you content in my opinion.
    When I come here I don't need to see winning as a result of boring tactics, I want to see good plays and impressive reads (and maybe I've grown attached to your Manchester dialect).

    Keep doing you and stay Tru3 <3

  3. I think surge/jolt would be a good replacement for BBQ, or if you want something for chase STBFL. You could also use hoarder/lethal pursuer for box. The dead man's switch buff would also be good, but it's bad for pop

  4. If dragons grip works with scourge hook it might be a cheeky perk to run instead of BBQ. Could potential get some chain scourge hooks off it plus pairs well with scourge (if it activates) and BBQ since gens are constantly regressing.

  5. Tru3, you should try this same build but instead of pop, use jolt/surge, that way you dont lose time waiting for them to touch a gen, and apply 23% regression on a gen without touching it and also apply 8% and regress on other close ones, making it a ruin that cant be cleansed and rewards you for getting downs, and pain resonance gives you the info to where to go, that way you have 2 perks slots for the specific killer you are playing and have fun again!

  6. I’m not trying to start shit but as someone who has been watching Tru3 and Scott for years it’s kinddddaaa fucking annoying seeing how much Scott actually makes videos that are clearly targeting tru3 and his beliefs. Idk feels kinda scummy to me. He knows his fans know who he is talking about and it just further pushes the “Tru3 wrong” train.

  7. I feel he needs to get rid of BBQ and put on Agitation. Get to them scourge hooks faster. Might have been able to save the hangmans noose gen from going but who knows. That is just me though

  8. Unpopular opinion: they should make a perk that full on breaks totems. I feel like it's kinda repetitive going back to the same totem over and over again just to snuff it so what if there was a perk that you can only use once per game to break a totem, good or nope?

  9. Ehhhhhhhh a full perk loadout of slow down perks isn't anything new. its the way you HAVE to play as killer. My bet is Reasonance Pain is going to have its total gen reduction lowered. Behavior in the past has shown they don't like it when you can stack slow down perks Thanat Dying light as an example.

  10. I have only done this one night so far, about to do it tonight, I just don't hook at all lol I had a blast playing as Spirit, I was so relaxed playing. I do use B & C, so hooked each survivor once, until I forgot what ones I hooked lol


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