Another badly designed killer perk in Dead by Daylight

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Thanks to some comments I have a few more badly designed perks to talk about
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15 thoughts on “Another badly designed killer perk in Dead by Daylight”

  1. While ignoring the obsession does kinda lead to anti-tunneling where the obsession gets no fun, I do like the idea of a perk that gives a small benefit to killers that drop chase. There's a lot of occasions where killers need to learn to leave chase, both for their own game sense, helping them find how valuable it can be to scare people off of generators, and so that the victim can de-stress a bit. I like having something trigger off of leaving someone. The benefit could scale based on how long they continued the chase, letting people decide they can get a small consolation prize like a short aura reveal. Even makes me think a very good buff for Beast of Prey would be to change it so it gives Undetectable for 20 seconds after dropping a chase, as long as you chased for at least 20 seconds.

    I wouldn't really count Iri Myers in any kind of balance discussions.

  2. personally i never understood when people say the problem is that it makes you ignore a survivor. it feels less like that and more how it changes the way you interact with that survivor to me. the perk REQUIRES you to find the obsession and then lose chase with them. if you're trying to gain stacks then you won't be ignoring the survivor, you are going to be searching for them specifically with most builds you use it in to build haste. you aren't ignoring them so much as you are using them.

    it essentially forces one survivor into a spot where they become a resource farm and they don't get to play out real or full chases. being interrupted every so often just for the killer to try and build stacks and then leave isn't fun. it feels like you got robbed of a chance at chase because their new encouragement for finding you isn't "down and progress the game" anymore, but instead it becomes "pretend chase and leave so my next chase is easier".

    i really find it hard to say the problem is ignoring the obsession though because i have never once seen someone run this perk in a build and NOT farm stacks for the haste. by definition that isn't ignoring them if you're farming stacks off them.

  3. I’ve honestly rarely seen a killer use it in a way that wasn’t immediately moonwalking to break chase as soon as it procs but not losing sight of the survivor, milking full stacks out of a single chase by breaking it into three, then just shitting over another survivor at top speed

  4. Believe it or not this perk used to be way more stupid i just remembered i can’t remember when exactly it was nerfed but on release play with your food was 7% at tier 3 with no cooldown so free stacks every time you leave the obsession as apposed to it having a cooldown currently. This also a great discussion on perks that severely need changes or reworks we already mentioned 2 of them but theirs still plenty sadly

  5. I actually ran a build similar to what you're suggesting using PWYF, Game Afoot, and Sloppy to play hit-and-run by chasing a survivor, hitting them, transferring obsession and then leaving them with a speed boost. If I felt comfortable I'd farm all 3 stacks before leaving them. It worked surprisingly well, and it's extremely fun to do it with Hag with her new movement speed addon.

  6. Tbh a good amount of perks already shift obsessions. If this did. It wouldn't be that great. Especially it would conflict with some survivor perks that force them to be an obsession or have a higher chance of being it.

    I woulsnt go as far as to say this perk is badly deisgned. Especially the fact the perk itself is working as intended nothing completely twisted like other perks.

    Sure that obsession becomes a farm for the killer but the ways to do that are needed to actively look for them if you want more value later or now.

    They are less inclined to kill you until later so they dont lose the perk forever. If you cut the middle man the perk PWYF would have to be reworked a bit since the next person can become the obsession. Or if they have massive slow down perks thet can just simply farm every other obsession to make that build be better.

    The list can go on

  7. An easy fix for this would be anytime u chase a non obsession survivor for more than 10 seconds u lose a stack, your idea makes it a niche perk if u had added it shows the obsession aura upon switching it would balance it out

  8. what the actual fuck are you going on about? it doesn't discourage body blocking at all. if anything it encourages body blocking since if they swing they lose a token regardless of if the attack lands. the only time PWYF is a problem is if it's specifically Tombstone Myers.

  9. Rework: each time you injure a non-obsession, you gain 3% speed increase when chasing your obsession, up to 15%, then the obsession switches to that Character. Once your obsession is put into the Dying State, you lose all tokens.


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