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20 thoughts on “ANOTHER BLOODEH TOURNEY PLAYER?! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. I had a game with a wraith and we had one DC and the rest of us did pretty good (I’m solo) and we “lost” cuz he had noed and blood warden haha rip we out played him pretty bad too oh well 😂

  2. True be like I don’t care about this, that, or the other…. 5m later oh but you see why I say that survivors are over powered… oh but you can see why No-Ed doesn’t take any skill (which I agree it rewards bad players) but he just contradicts himself so much and then i bet a million dollars if he saw this message he’d say I was “projecting” or assuming I know him etc.

  3. we have come to the point where survivors are so overpowered every killer should get a standard one hit ability if 5 gens are rushed faster than a certain amount of minutes. imo I feel so powerless sometimes when I have one guy hooked and the others just straight up force him off body block and grab glitch to safety…

  4. I used to use stretch res because it made the game run so smooth and I felt it looked cooler I never noticed being able to see over things also after using stretch res for a while after the game ends it bugs and moves the game all the way to the corner of your screen so you have to reset it each time but I genuinely like the performance it gives me

  5. I have always hated how NOED is designed and works and I wish they would change it already, a lot of people say that adrenaline and noed are comparable and yes adrenaline is a strong perk and does need a change too but at least for adrenaline the survivors have to get the gens done which the killer is constantly trying to stop as for noed the gens need done but not only r u getting downs and such while they are being done it gives u a free 1 down and PWYF stack 1 until said totem is broke which also means a "less experienced" killer could not get a single down whole game and get 5 gen chased but then use the speed and 1 shot down and guarantee a kill for nothing?!?! I just think a killer shouldnt be rewarded for literally doing nothing as a matter of fact it rewards the killer for failing to do one of their top priorities stopping the gens at least adrenaline is given for completing the objective but NOED just really is a flawed perk that needs changed or removed. There are plenty of good suggestions to change it made by many my personal one would be the perk gains more power based on the amount of hooks u get sort of like devour hope, if u get 1-6 u get a 2% speed, if u get a 6-8 u get a 4% speed a 3 stacks of STBFL, and finally if u get 8+ you get the 5% speed, exposed and 5 stacks of STBFL and no if somone goes second while on the hook it would not count meaning u have to physically hook said amount of times and this could also get the perk more usage by better players as it rewards them for doing their main object which is hooking survivors while also rewarding them for not camping and such and is also a slight buff with the STBFL stacks, as for adrenaline i feel a health state should not be rewarded and instead the speed is increased and lasts longer. Just my opinions but I really think NOED needs changed, like at least make it a teachable so newer players dont get smacked by it every game.


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