Are INDOOR MAPS Inherently BAD??? | Dead by Daylight

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#dbd #commentary #rant #indoor #maps

Video Song: Black Cream by White Bat Audio

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12 thoughts on “Are INDOOR MAPS Inherently BAD??? | Dead by Daylight”

  1. Imo indoor maps are good for the game altogether as a killer breaking Los can make or break a chase stealth killer or not granted alot of powers are hard to use indoors and indoor maps tend to have too many God pallets because where else are the pallets gunna go kinda thing so idk I love indoor maps but stealth killers are also my fave to play so it makes sense

  2. The indoor maps are my favorite to play on both sides (especially Hawkins even though I know a lot of people hated it ) but it’s really bad to design maps with hallways where the killer can block off the entire path. On RPD the killer can deny survivors the ability to reach the hook by just standing in front of them. I have solo queue games where I’m the only one trying to save but the killer just stands in front of me while camping and I can’t do anything to save because their fatass can just give them a free kill by standing still and doing nothing. Killers literally run the rpd offering and do this on purpose too. Also hooks up stairs are not good map design either so I’m glad the library is getting fixed. I really hope they make an indoor back rooms map in the future and don’t make the same mistakes they did with rpd

  3. indoor maps are good for the game, two-story indoor maps are very bad though. Lery's is a fine map (a bit bland imo), Hawkins was ok for the most part, but I think everyone hates Midwich & RPD. It takes too long to get anywhere simply because there are different levels. RPD reworks look very painful too: they took a chunk out of the map and added a small outdoor segment, as if it would change anything. Now we have two confusing maps that are a bit easier to traverse

  4. Indoor maps aren't exactly my biggest problem, it's more rng that can either make tiles more oppressive against killers or moderately easy. But that statement only holds if the killer has some sort of chase power


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