Are Killers Leaving Dead by Daylight?

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honestly no one seems to be leaving. playerbase and queue times haven’t changed much in half a year.


29 thoughts on “Are Killers Leaving Dead by Daylight?”

  1. I am a killer main but I usually only play if the most recent killer release was good. Going from the Knight to the Skull Merchant has left me pretty bored, so I am waiting for the next big release to see if I get reeled back in.

  2. IMO It's got nothing to do with the changes in the development updates. It's because the game is stale, boring, and offers nothing to keep you playing.

    All new content is just the same as what we have already had. The maps are lazy, the graphics are dated, and the bugs are like we are still in a beta.

  3. Me personally, when I never not see any bonus bloodpoints for killer, I can kinda figure people would rather play survivor than killer. Its just harder. Especially now that solo que got a really insane buff.

  4. I know I'm pretty tired of DBD. I've played since 2019 and took a break just before last Christmas. Thought I wanted to play again, but a few matches in and I was reminded of just how tired I am of it

    It doesn't bring joy, it just annoys me anymore. Here's to hoping for a banger anniversary

  5. The games very very point in playing any aspect of this game now killer doesn't matter now the game is gone I won't even look at the next patch..Knight/skull..are not the problem it gose way further back than that..

  6. after 4400 hours of gameplay, I don't think the problem is the killer but the solo player, playing solo killer (obvious) or surviving is the same kind of pain, it can be a good game, but more than half of it sucks , I already abandoned other games that also need a team, like CS:GO and today I'm loving COD because it has some solo options. With friends or earning money to play, dbd is really amazing, apart from that it's really a horror game (this goes for any game that needs a team)

  7. I uninstalled and left when Knight came into the game. I'll play again after the gen kick perks get nerfed. I play the game for fun not to play the battle of insecure slowdowns.

  8. I can answer the question as yes… It's because I got bored of the game as a killer 3 months ago … Why level up your rank in DBD when you can level up your rank In real life?

  9. The June high counts was a grind before the new prestige changes (not Wesker), the huge July drop was 6.1.0 (July 19). Wesker wasn’t until August 30. So, that big 17k drop was frustrated survivors. Just point in fact.

  10. I loved it when it first came out, I was a killer main mostly, I won majority of my matches but as soon as sbmm hit I had nothing but sweaty players and start losing almost every game. I only see a win as all 4 dead but I can barely kill 2 now. Either my skill is just terrible now or something changed. I just know things were better before sbmm. I could be wrong but I feel like there a more pallets again and I hate when the game becomes dead by looping. I want a horror movie feel when I’m chasing people all over the map not go in a circle forever until I have to give up a chase

  11. Killers at large are leaving, no question in my mind. But it isn't quite the grand exodus of late 2021 when DBD went from its highest point to its worst in 4 years in the span of 5 months. Rather, it's a slow burn.

    First: And anyone willing to wipe an account and start over will experience this: Even brand new killer mains frequently get matched against survivors who are WAY above their MMR bracket as the system struggles to get match queues through.

    Conversely, the opposite occurring is virtually unheard of. And these events are nakedly obvious; like when you see some poor killer with green perks getting 5-0'd and teabagged at the exit gates with maybe a single hook all game. How often do mid and high MMR killers get matched against survivors who aren't even 10 games in? Never.

    Meanwhile, I've personally seen (and coached) brand new killers start out from their first few games and run into fully equipped bully squads with players who have over 1000 hours each not even 8 games into their killer careers.

    Finally, Scott's argument here is flawed because bulk win rates are meaningless; it's the 1:4 ratio that matters and I can tell you brother, it ain't that anymore .

    So, knowing these things and putting them all together, here's what I think is happening: It's a Revolving Door effect.

    That is, of most of the new killers get into DBD start by curb-stomp their first few games because babby survivors have even less of an idea of what they're doing than the killer does, then they start running into those spiked MMR matches and get wrecked. Eventually they get stuck in this loop until they either get a breakthrough and become a real nasty killer main, or they give up and drop the game for other things or go play survivor.


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