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I ran into some Toxic Comp TTV’s in Dead By Daylight…
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About Dead by Daylight:
Dead by Daylight is a multiplayer (4 vs 1) horror game where one player takes on the role of the savage Killer, and the other four players play as Survivors, trying to escape the Killer and avoid being caught and killed.
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The devs continue to nerf gen perks, and most of those perks stop working after a while. I fully agree nerf gen speeds, at least so gen perks aren't needed so much. If you don't get people out quickly with no gen perks you don't win.
Also any swf calling out killer's position (the strongest thing in the game) cannot say they aren't trying and crap on the killer for playing to win.
As a Steve main this is sad to watch a brother act like this
Heya, I was the Sable. Apologies for how I acted during this match (can’t really excuse my behavior), but before I get carried away I wanted to say you played very well. Typically I’m not this hotheaded in my streams, so again I’m sorry for the way I responded. But to see this footage back, it’s really funny! GGWP gamer!
No matter how hard you try the gens will be complete without gen perks. It’s honestly stupid
I never follow the survivor rule book. Only books I need is my book of spells and the Holy Bible.
Very good video
Yo that side step down to the stairs to hit with the skeletons was beautiful
3:39 “That was very good of him” five minutes later “He IsNT EveN tHaT GoOd”
I saw this on stream 🖤
survivors when the killer use his power: 😡😡
these people are NOT comp they are controller players
I love how sable blames that down on Bloodlust when you literally can't get BL with Rapid, smh.
Could we get a video on your settings/reshade please?
3:42 "I love how that's not an angle"
You're BEHIND him, you smooth brain
0:24 Holy crap that's clean
Lol that must be a popular excuse for 3 or 4 man's. I went up against a swf actually on this exact map a couple of days ago and wiped the floor with them and they were just like "man he played to win" and "he's sweating so hard" when I was just playing the game lol
As a survivor main Tunneling is a fair playstyle. Everyone just loves to complain
Love it when they cry & yap that loud over a skill difference lmao
Your vids made me start playing vecna lot more and been enjoying him a lot, hopefully i can get him p100 one day too
People loveee hating on Vecna. Meanwhile we're just here to have a good time. Laughing at those haters is a good feeling though
Do you think running both Rapid Brutality and STBFL is a good idea? I've been running it with pearl of power and, especially when teams are taking protection hits, is very effective and one of my favorite builds to run on vecna
He knew you could hit him dropping down basement but still went there🤣
Ew furry in the first few seconds
Of course camping and tunneling is the meta cause the gens are way to fast they go by so quick it’s dumb they need to fix it then I’ll prob come back to the gme. Tired of surv mains coming to my dms and crying how I played and cursing me out and telling me to off myself this gme bruh also I played this gme to play the collab killers like chucky and others famous ones the only ones I play this gme hurts to play I just want o play the famous killers from movies and have fun playing the gme but I get bulllied for it smh
1:56 deadlock needs to be base kit for killers but it should only activate for the first 3 minutes of the game without the perk equipped
He says not that good when u have like way less hours than most people and u beat them
10:14 Survivors when the Killer does their objective 😡🤬
Good job and it takes a lot to be the better person 🥰
I can't believe you tunneled and camped all of them simultaneously. That wasn't very nice of you! D:
Vecna is bassicaly Dredge,ArtistAnd Blood Favour
Ahh yes just your normal day of survivors being hypocrites lol. A 4 man swf on comms with aura reads making call outs complaining about the killer going back to hooks 💀. Gotta love how the Sable was so butt hurt at your SKILLFUL play. Like… Are killers not allowed to use their power in a skillful way now? I do the same thing on Vecna because Flight of the Damned isn't really that good but it becomes very decent when you use it in a skillful way like Asuno did. Nice play btw. "He doesn't deserve a GG." Bro stop being cry babies and sore loser's… It's just a video game. These are the type of survivors that just want killers to play brain dead. They want killers to take dumb chases and make dumb plays for views. They don't acknowledge good and skillful killers that actually outplay them, no they just cry and become sore loser's 😂
we cant bully or genrush killer….cry…how dare he can outplay us…more cry…..he get 4k thats a sin ……we make sure bhvr papa notice this and nerf that killer …..classic survivors main
"His bloodlust waaah"
Has Rapid Brutality
of course its a furry
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I don't know how but the survivors I'm facing vs you're facing are very different. My survivors predict my placement of skulls on them. I do it instantly but they always crouch at pallets and it's pretty annoying.
Btw, I'm the guy who asked for how to handle the mage hand. I'm very insecure about that. I always think that they're going to win. I sometimes win, sure, but I want to be good at his power. Idc if I win or not. I'm not accustomed to skulls' range thus I sometimes place them farther from the survivors.
I'd love it if you could watch me play as Vecna and point out my mistakes. From Discord? Idk but it'd be very cool if you can help.
Ty for the vids btw. Keep it up!
Subscribed. Nice Vecna main content, exactly what I was looking for!
P.S. I like that woof guy. He was sorta cute compared to the others :3
bro can i have your reshade or nvidia filters?nice vid btw
the trickshots were crazy
Thank you very much Asuno thanks to your guide I was able to learn to play well vecna keep it up you have earned a follower.❤
Not the furry Vtuber being toxic in the beginning 💀
nah even as surv main i think the amount of perks that make you work faster on gens is too much maybe they should increase the time to finish a gen or make the perks work differently
Cause being a p100 obviously mean that you are a pro with that killer, sure.. People on this game just say bullshit after bullshit, never seen a more toxic game full of non touching grass people. I think that if you turn off their console/pc they just don’t know what to do in their lives.