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30 thoughts on “Are They NERFING WINDOWS OF OPPORTUNITY?? – Dead By Daylight”

  1. Ok, we need to talk about it…
    WoO is not toxic on any aspect gameplay-wise and as it is now, it's quite balanced on paper; the real big problem with WoO is the overuse, this is a really usefull perk to help survivor chaining loops and increase the length of a chase. Definitely need a nerf, but a controlled nerf, something that decrease its usefullness without destroing it.

  2. The whole reason the cooldown was removed in the first place, was because after dropping a pallet or vaulting is when the perk was needed most, bringing said cooldown back guts the perk now. This is coming from someone who doesn’t rock windows, and imagine if Zanshin Tactics worked the same way, no one would even think of using it.

  3. I literally told you guys, they will f*** with any survivor perks that are popular whether it's necessary or not. Next will be lithe and adrenaline. Lithe reduces to 1.5 second speed boost and adrenaline no longer gives you any speed boost. They wanna nerve every single survivor perks that can help solo queue players.

    Like if you are a killer who has a problem with WoO, you need help.

  4. survs have way too much information perks and second chances perks , as for WoO it was overused by almost everysurvs , making looping so cancer especially with made for this … that became a meta perk that MAKES again looping easier , WoO or made for this have to go.

  5. It's a bug most likely, I didn't realize the text was just a mistake and not actually how the perk works but I'm fairly certain that's the description of how the perk was BEFORE THE BUFF it got, if they're gonna nerf it after however long it was buffed for, I don't think it'll just be reverted at this point, they'll most likely tweak it somehow, in a bad way probably. but still tweak it

  6. Not saying the perk was OP but every time I run a killer build based on blindness, the worst loopers on the team always had WoO. I feel some people need to be saved from themselfs. Look at deadhard when that got its nerf alot of survivors who used it as a crutch fell apart. This will be the same, NEVER let a helpful perk become a crutch Survivors/Killers.

  7. bhvr has a habit of nerfing perks that have a high pick rate. with mid-chapter coming up, my guess is that they were floating the idea of nerfing it or even actually intend to and were gonna try it in the ptb. now seeing the backlash though, maybe they'll change their mind, especially since i don't even see most killers complain about this perk lol. it's got a high pickrate across the board because at lower levels folks use it to learn loops and at higher levels, it's an incredibly useful solo queue perk to help identify pallets that have already been used. nerfing it would kinda regress the buffs to solo-queue that bhvr has been making recently, and therefore seems counterproductive.

  8. About time honestly, I disagreed with Choys take about Windows when he first made it but the constant abuse of Made for This and Resilience has made me realize he was ahead of the curb.

    Won’t affect experienced players and teams too much but your standard survivor won’t just be able to auto-pilot around loop chains, which is a scary prospect to a lot of trash-talkers I’m sure cause they can never admit how much work this one perk was doing for their chases, until it gets threatened that is.

  9. Let’s see if the list checks out

    Killers barely complained about this perk – ✅
    It barely has any use for swfs and amazing survivors – ✅
    Insanely useful in solo q to know what was dropped – ✅
    Insanely useful for people who are still learning all the maps aka people who don’t have a billion hours – ✅
    Something that the entire survivor community will complain about if it gets nerfed – ✅
    No good reason to get nerfed – ✅

    Yeah definitely needs a major nerf hurry tf up and gut it like a fish already !

    ( Killer main – ✅ )

  10. The perk was helpful, and any perk that helps survivors gets nerfed the devs need to stop nerfing everything good it's absolutely stupid on their part killers are strong and keep getting stranger

  11. I hate these random nerfs. Sure, it's used a lot, but they keep nerfing everything else people like using until a basic vision perk is more fun. What about buffing the stuff no one uses? They have straight up admitted to balancing by spreadsheet so this just fits right into their standard MO

  12. I knew something like this was going to happen, now that people are complaining about MFT they are going to Nerf other perk that people commonly use with MFT, resilience is probably next and maybe even MFT itself

  13. Can't wait to die in solo q because all my teammates dropped every pallet under the sun and I keep running into deadzones. What help is knowing where pallets are if you don't know if they are dropped or not?


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