ARE YOU OK ZOMBIE! – Dead by Daylight!

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21 thoughts on “ARE YOU OK ZOMBIE! – Dead by Daylight!”

  1. It’s amazing how short sighted the devs are in regard to killer mechanics you introduce something new like the zombies which add another lair to play in the 4v1 and nerf it to where it’s nothing more than a cosmetic novelty good job behavior

  2. I’ve witnessed the zombies doing some pretty strange glitches, similar to the one here. The zombies seemed to be everywhere before, now you can go a whole match and only see them once or twice with them being zero threat.

  3. Basically it came down to survivors weren't allowed to afk on gens for the whole match without the zombies punishing them. So they cried and whined till a new mechanic got gutted. Again, just like every single time they try and change anything. They end up either reverting or weakening the change to please entitled survivors.

  4. The reason why the zombies are bugged right now are due to changes to the zombies nav meshes and ai upon full release (you can see at the bottom of the current patch notes). This is probably causing zombies to collide with the floor a lot more so they get stuck on things.

  5. The biggest change to the zombies that I can see recorded anywhere is that Zombies used to be able to hit survivors during Dead Hard, so that interaction could have accounted for an okay number of hits in the PTB. Though there were "various fixes" of zombie AI, including making them stand still less.
    Zombies do definitely walk right up to gens still though, had that issue in my first live match vs Nemesis

  6. You can hit over it Tru3, but you have to aim the middle of your screen at the Survivor. Like a Huntress Hatchet.

    I've hit over numerous obstacles with his power. It takes some getting used to, just like every power.

  7. The amount of zombies and the game should change with the size of the map two zombies is just ridiculous never mind the fact that they are practically useless


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