The Infantilization of Dead by Daylight

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43 thoughts on “The Infantilization of Dead by Daylight”

  1. Pip system is obsolete now, removing depip makes sense, they should remove the whole system tbh..There is less complicated ways to reward BP on a monthly basis.

  2. I think it's more for those matches where ur hard tunneled out or u die on first hook where u can lose a pip through very little fault of your own so depipping along with the loss of the match is like a double loss since u can play well and die and still pip so that loss doesn't feel as bad because it shows u played well


  4. There will ALWAYS be toxicity in games, no matter what you do. Even in pve games. The problem is, we as a society have become such HUGE pussies who can't handle when someone says something "mean" to us. I think a little toxicity is healthy for games. It naturally creates a competitive environment, which inherently is also healthy for games. We all remember old school COD lobbies? Yeah, best times of our lives, talking MAD shit for absolutely NO reason.

  5. It's funny you post this, me and my family were just talking about the amount of farming killers we come across and that it's getting old. I stopped playing the game for awhile a couple of months ago and came back after the initial matchmaking change and never bothered to look into it. These changes are pretty weird.

  6. that's such a terrible take. you are contradicting yourself as you try to explain your reasoning. getting more bp isn't tied to skill, like you said, rank doesn't have any relation to the matchmaking system, so why are you bothered by this change, when it will only affect how much bloodpoints we get? it really just helps reduce the grind to get perks, items, and prestige rewards in general. you just don't see that because you already have everything lmao

  7. If MMR wasn't a thing I would care about winning more. with a rank based game matchmaking with supposedly 'equal skilled' people. I feel if I lose more I will get less stressed games. But I would still try to win and not just throw the match as either team.

    Right now if I have a window in a trial to find hatch with 3 escaped survivors, I will find it cus its both a win and apparently counts a draw for me as survivor. I would do this even if it may caused my death on a hook as either way right now is benefit to me unless a challenge is present.

    And right now as Killer, I will Almost constantly give survivors extra chances, purposely ignore them and act like I did not see them, run into stuns, whatever it takes to extend the game for a loss but without trying to throw the match by not playing it unless there is a challenge present.

  8. Playing only solo queue and having someone sacrifice themselves on hook, one person gives up and then one player becomes a bot. THEN I lose a pip as well? Since its just for blood points, I can appreciate it.

  9. si behavior sigue por este camino dentro de poco el juego no va a tener sangre, ganchos, moris, va a ser un juego multijugador de guerra de almohadas y toda esta estupidez empezó cuando pusieron el filtro de chat y removieron los rangos mmr

  10. I honestly don't mind it at all because the emblem system in itself is flawed and is really only a measure of how much you played the game in a month. Like you said, it has no bearing on matchmaking, so it really doesn't matter. Plus, this makes it feel more fair to each side if you get stomped or completely tunneled out. If you spawned in as survivor and were focused out of the game immediately, do you feel like the killer was a better player than you? With an asymmetrical game, there is always going to be some sense of unfairness, and there's no way to completely remedy that. I like this change because it makes it so players don't feel punished in instances where circumstances are completely out of their control.

  11. I haven't looked at my emblem progression post game for months…I haven't really cared about them since getting to iri I once, since the bloodpoints after you prestige all your characters is not that significant…I play cos it's fun. not because behaviour gives me a gold star for winning.

  12. Patrick needs to be fired for making these decisions. I remember when I used to have fun in dbd. Now it won't even matter if I win or lose my pip will remain the same, ok..? But what do I lose aside from my items? Why should I grind survivors or killers now? Patrick is the real baby from DBD and is taking this game to trash! This is a competitive game, just remove end game chat to reduce toxicity. But removing pips, removing Iri rank 1 MMR. This game isn't appealing anymore.

  13. This baby proof idea will only allow to screw over players that are you actually trying. So a rank system needs to be inplemented and a casual mode for people who dont care about losing pips at all. So 2 game modes. Ranked for people actually trying. Casual for people to test non meta or good builds that will work in favor towards victory.

    Plain simple 😂

  14. Can anyone explain the lagging with Xbox server my Internet is completely fine. Anyone else experiencing? Lag switching people hacks again it's repulsive I keep having to take breaks from this game because of things like this. I enjoy this game but people keep cheating. Anyone else experiencing this?

  15. Already did not care about pips, i get the point anyway, only take a little bit longer.
    When its you cant lose pips, its telling me, hey… You can now complete stop trying now, you have notting to lose beside a item you can get in you bloodweb extremely fast with the tons of points you got you did not really work for to get.
    I try to play stupid games were i know i have a 90% chance of not surviving because i know, it doesn't mater anymore.
    Just bring back the rainbow ranks… Call people a rank 21 noob.
    And stop being so sensitive 🙂

  16. i feel like this is not what it is at all, you're kinda mixing up bm with toxicity, bm isnt really harmful to the community and can be valuable friendly competition, they will never remove stuff like hitting on hook, tbagging or humping, you will always be able to have the friendly competition, it just comes off to me that they're appealing more towards the wider casual audience, that doesnt care so much about how they're performing through the ranking system, and more just about individual matches and personal victories, trying not to lump them in with the ultra comp sweats who think anyone with a lower number is a lesser human despite having them in the same queue
    i just dont think you need to see those numbers to have fun, you know how well the match went, its just a metric for people to go "my number is bigger than yours so you're trash"

  17. Dude reasoning is so wrong man, people don't play for be toxic, they play for the adrenaline and the sensation of a derivate victim and killer sensation, the mmr ranking and bullshit is just a number that is used for keep the matches whit the hope of winning or loosing, is valid to feel emotion by the number you have but the mmr is just a tool from the game, not his purpose

  18. I've had games where the killer just ctrl+alt+del'ed me. De-piping me in less than 2 minutes.
    No, I'm not great, but this isn't saying it's easier to pip now. It's still gonna be hard getting those last couple pips to red 1 but at least now I can just que into the next game a little less angry at a player for doing what they needed to do to win.

    Wo hasn't seen a killer using hacks as well? Causing a de-pip? I'm for this, because it's still a pain in the butt to get pips.

  19. I would say this is just the creators choice cause most games for example cod,gears of war,halo,etc can be pretty toxic but won't go that far they will have some restrictions but dbd it's actually treating player base as a infant and it's making the game way to boring,and no 2 braincell offended for her promoting "bullying" it's toxicity get a life and a brain before making the scene of your life useless drama queen…

  20. Getting red 1 on killer is BALLS easy, and on survivor you can do good and run the killer and have someone give up on first hook with 3 gens left then you just lose a pip cause of other people, or you can do gens, heal people, escape, etc, and still lose a pip cause you didn't go out of your way to seek chases or protection hits at higher ranks. This is a good change. My sense of accomplishment should not come from hoping other people can perform.

  21. I personally don’t understand why many people are of the opinion that it’s GREAT that depipping will be removed. I agree that it’s cool that you can earn bloodpoints at the end of the season more efficiently and quickly without much strain, but this was the only indicator of how good someone is in the game. This is primarily a COMPETITIVE game, the survivors compete against the Killer and the outcome of the match will be decided by who is better. There will ALWAYS be toxicity in competitive games, moreover, people will always find a way to show how much they hate you, but no matter what anyone says, the fun is in the fact that you, as a survivor can outplayed the killer and make him angry or feel bad with your playstyle. Likewise, as a killer, you feel satisfaction when you beat the bullying squad and you have fun when they fail. Adding a public MMR system will not change anything in terms of TOXICITY in any case, good players will always be "unhappy" with the fact that there is a garbage Meg player on the team who dies in 5 seconds and drop pallet in a shack for no reason. A good mmr system can only lead to the fact that casuals will play with casuals due to lack of skill, and good players will play with good players and progress further. Even Twitch streamers can show negative emotions towards survivors when playing as a killer, this is completely normal when you want to win (as a competitive player) and see that you are doing poorly. The pips and mmr system is an important part of the game and I still hope that the developers will finalize the mmr system, this would clearly give motivation to play the game for competitive players

  22. Man, this community could not handle the MW2 days. Instead of crying about losing it someone "tbagging" you. Just play better. I know, i know that's rude, but the whole "git gud scrub" was is real. I mean jfc you don't see the NFL, NBA, NHL, MLB, NASCAR, F1 or ANY professional sports/esports teams wanting winning and losing to have no purpose.

    Honestly the ONLY problem is that DBDs community AND Devs are just snowflakes catering to snowflakes.

  23. If people choose to act like infants by being toxic in personal interactions and trying to make people feel bad about themselves why should BHVR treat them like anything else? It shouldn't be any player's "right" to be a dick and if taking away pip regression helps to fend off the toxic portion of the community by robbing them of satisfaction then good. People should be playing to get better themselves or to pull off good plays for themselves, not just to flip off the other side.

  24. That quote about not wanting to encourage toxic elitism hasnt aged well, has it? My thoughts on removing the depip system is them trying to push the community to be more casual, which is a good thing. As people sweating out here like there is money on the line, or their shot at worlds is in jeopardy.

    Granted this could also heighten the amount of people who give up on first hook, as they wont depip regardless…guess we'll see lol.

  25. I would say that there are other reasons to remove this pip system. Regardless of MMR, there is a causation between grade reset and how many "sweaty" matches you have. People want to get that grade up ASAP. At the very least, this relieves some of that need to try hard on both sides, allowing for more "fun" playstyles.

  26. Disagree. It feels super shitty to have a great game and pip and the next game to get tunneled and undo everything you did in the last match. Toxicity has ZERO place in games. Period. There is a reason Sportsmanship exists.

  27. The punishment is you go back to lobby. If the devs kill rate was at 50% I would agree with you but the game is balanced at killer getting more kills. 90% of the time I dont even notice If I hit iri

  28. The issue is that de-pipping isn’t just about dying. At times, I can perform well, escape, but Im at the mercy of the Emblem system as to rather I de-pip or gain a pip, since aspects of the Emblem system are tied to the team and not my individual performance.

  29. I dont really like this take… Original DBD fostered a very toxic and competitive environment. Because they take forever to change things DBD is slowly turning into that "party game" they've mentioned wanting it to become. You can only punish a player so much before they'll say the game feels stale and boring when they aren't actually achieving anything. You can make a game fun and entertaining without the toxic behavior and repetitive punishments. I believe a better focus on bloodpoints is enough for being rewarded and punished than having some arbitrary system tell you you're bad.

  30. The toxicity discourages players from playing the game. Because you can’t just pick up dbd and play it, you have to constantly play it because of the learning curve. Since you have one life per game, you can learn very little. Especially since a killer will target a weaker link to gain the advantage. Opposed to a game which has respawn, you can gradually learn at a faster pace and is more consistent. This is why dbd is like a wave with popularity, because people who play usually only play one or two games. Then never pick it up again, I think that is why behavior has tried to “baby” the game to lure in more people to play. However I think the damage is done and only the hardcore players have stayed. This is my take on the game status, I played for about 4 years, it was off and on. Because of grind, toxicity and meta changes.

  31. Nothing's more motivational to git gud at a game than getting dumpstered, t-bagged, and called a steaming pile of trash. If it never happened and everyone just said "gg" every match of every PvP game, there'd be no competition and it would be boring unicorns and rainbow land


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