Thanks to WhosBran for sharing tips on how to better play The Trickster. #dbd #DeadbyDaylight

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Dead by Daylight is a multiplayer action/horror game where one player takes on the role of a brutal Killer and the other four play as Survivors. As a Killer your goal is to sacrifice as many Survivors as possible. As Survivors your goal is to work together to evade, escape, and most importantly – stay alive.      


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36 thoughts on “Thanks to WhosBran for sharing tips on how to better play The Trickster. #dbd #DeadbyDaylight”

  1. Please add chaos shuffle as a regular thing. I hate going against meta builds every damn game (Edit: why does behavior ignore all of these even though they are the most liked every short?)

  2. Até quando a Behavior pretende ignorar o Otzdarva? Enquanto uns dão dicas de jogar de trickster ele dá dicas de tudo, inclusive como suportar o toxidade do jogo, como ser um jogador melhor, ser um killer mais saudável, etc.

  3. Are you ever going to address the sheer imbalance and clear favoritism leaning towards the Survivor side of the game? Each update only makes the Killer doing their job a harder and harder task, making the phrase “power role” more and more of a joke, while the ones that should be a challenge, Survivors and surviving, is a walk in the park with their hands held the whole way.

  4. My teammates hide at one Gen and go for hatch because bhvr can't properly balance a game to get people to have fun and play fairly it's a skill issue on my part when our team gets 4k'd at 5 gens because survivor can't do shit with basic running and vaulting abilities


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