Artist's Design Is One Of The Best In DBD | Dead By Daylight Discussion

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Get your Kaiser Merch here and Don’t forget to use code BIRDMOMMY at check out for 10% off your whole purchase until Oct 1rst (I said Nov first in the video but I am an idiot and thought Nov came after sep): Merch:

00:00 Merch Announcement
02:27 Intro
03:16 Artist breakdown
09:44 Outro


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41 thoughts on “Artist's Design Is One Of The Best In DBD | Dead By Daylight Discussion”

  1. Garden of Joy can be Garden of Joyless
    Edit: Just finished the video. I did used to main artist before I had all the killers. She is severely map dependent and if the survivors have comms then cross-map crows don't apply a lot of pressure unless you are planning on following it up with damage. Her power is fun to learn, but once you learn it theres no cool builds she is capable of utilizing, as info and gen regressing is the only synergy her power has with perks. She is a killer that should be played occasionally for a little bit of fun, but don't invest a lot of time in her because once you understand the power and how to best use it she gets boring extremely fast.

  2. As interesting of a concept as her power design is, I have disagree with it being fun in practice, especially for the survivor side. While playing her as a ranged killer can definitely be fun, its also very map dependent and inefficient, as one miss means you need to set up for another 2 crow hits for a single damage state. In theory this is counteracted by her ability to set up multiple crows to cover several angles at once, but in actuality using more than one crow almost guarantees the survivor won't be swarmed long enough to damage them.

    This leads most Artist players into leaning into her anti loop, which is honestly a contender for one of the least engaging mechanics in the game. Once she sets up, unless the killer player is really new to her, staying at the loop is guaranteed damage. Because of this leaving the loop isn't truly counterplay, its simply the only option the survivor has to delay the inevitable. With killers like Wesker and Huntress, survivors can use misdirection and mindgames to cause the killer to misplay and lose distance, but with Artist setting up crows at each exit of a loop is practically risk free due to how little you slow down. This leads to most chases against Artists to become a tedious hold w competition until she can eventually corner you and get the guaranteed hit. It's completely uninteractive for both sides, which is a large reason why her playrate is so low and why the killers following her focused more on mobility over strong anti loop.

  3. what i appreciate about artist is just how flexible her kit is, people often moan about how broken her 1v1 is. but people really underestimate her ability to pressure multiple survivors at once. for example you could easily just m1 a survivor youre chasing down, while sending your crows off to a generator to harass it, sometimes if the survivors too cockky with staying on the gen you could potentially get a down on that survivor on the gen. then boom, you have 3 survivors now not doing generators cause one person has to come pick the downed person up and maybe rescue the person you're gonna hook.

    and there's always new ways you can learn how to play around her kit, so if you're playing her you're gonna be in for a treat for the long haul cause you're always gonna be learning something new.

    its also nice that isn't easy too bully by squads without being outright broken like blight, wesker and nurse who can ignore a lot of things or can't be played around.
    it would be nice if more people played her, but i don't mind it, cause it just means less people know how to play against her lmao.

  4. You've done our girl proud. I grimace at those that think Artist is "OP" or boring to play against.

    Though it my be artist main bias on my side…I wish I could see more of her honestly. I get genuinely excited when facing them. It's like a treat! 😀

  5. I have a theory that Artist is dead and we really play as the Entity.
    My reasons for that are:
    -sounds of crows that wouldn't make sense even for people with some kind of bird fetish
    -she IS the Black Cum. Why the Entity didn't just give her hands and tongue? It can create hands for her as addons so just give them
    -black eyes. White eye theory is that killers with white eyes see person they hate the most cause they wouldn't have any reason to kill. Artist are black but she is an artist that is so far from being Austrain
    My theory is that Artist when taken to the realm, died and the Entity took her body with crows which we know are the Entity eyes. Only thing that doesn't seem right is why the Entity would do it to it self, like there are better ways to not feel depressed and how spider claws still exist.

  6. When it comes to the artist, I’m not very good at her but I know she’s a very good killer only problems I have is it kind of feels wonky the power at some situations when I should get a hit it isn’t hit and when I hit someone with a crow 2 sometimes didn’t get damage because I think it missed it isn’t for me

  7. She’s a great design if you can’t deal with loops. The counter play is super boring. I just disagree I don’t enjoy playing against killers that just shut loops down. Y’all prolly like the knight and old deathslinger too.

  8. 5:45 Um, Acthually, the artist`s crows are from the entity`s realm to begin with. if you dig through the archives long enough to drive yourself mad, theres this one page in the 10th tome that confirms that Carmina could see into the bleeds between the real world and entity`s realm, she saw the crows from the realm that no one else could, which is why she was targeted by the black veil in the first place

  9. Just found you a week ago and have been bingeing on your content and hope to catch you one stream. Love your energy and the content you make. I'm wondering what you would think about my rework on Skull Merchant. I would make a video on this but I am absolutely trash at making commentary videos. Being a Skull Mommy main, even though my first love is and always will be Spirit Queen, I have spent alot of hours playing the killer. And I have some ideas on how to rework her as far as main power goes, maybe you can give some insight on how to rework her addons. Ok now to my rework. First and foremost make the hinder effect addon basekit, which in turn will take place of the expose effect. From my time playing chase Skully she doesn't really get alot of value from her expose effect and hinder will give her more value with how I would rework the drones. Second, have the drones activate faster when put down and have them lock on faster when a survivor is in the radius. But also have the drones destroy themselves and give a claw trap to the first survivor fully exposed giving them a 3% hinder until the trap is removed be it manually or by vaulting a pallet. This change to the drones will give her more value to the haste effect she gets from claw traps. Third, drones still give her undetectable and survivors don't see a drones radius until they are inside it. I believe these changes to her power would give players who play the killer more encouragement to chase and give survivors a reason to deactivate the drones. Side note the survivors can deactivate the drone while being detected but deactivating it will deny the hinder effect that they would of gotten if exposed. Hope you see this, would love your insight. Keep up the great work and have a beautiful day.

  10. I also love how she hasn't been touched since release. Her only chage was inability to scare crows with flashlights which was a part of flashlight nerf. Her untouchness makes me think that she is one of the balanced killers in the game along with Wesker. Like, they don't touch her because there is nothing to touch.

    ……exept maybe for addons. I don't reall ylike that most of her good addons just shortens smth for 0.25 seconds or so. I KNOW this numbers make the matter, but on paper it looks very underwelming

  11. The Artist, for me, is a dull character. She is purely a victim that is absent of personality with a strong, but uninteresting power for survivors in chase. At 7:43, you say that the counterplay is line of sight breaking (requires maps to have walls or objects to have) and leaving loops (unskillful and requires map addition map resources that may or may not be there to actually work). Neither of these are interesting to use to play against.

  12. Personally i think people don't play artist bc the whole w key playstyle that she inforces on loops can be pretty boring to play, while yes artist can do much more than that, most people only play killers for the strong part of their kits, for example trapper for basement camping, sadako for condemn playstyle, skull merchant for 3 genning and so on, but other than that i think she's a very well designed killer, just wish they would change the way she interacts with common looping bc as of right now, its really really boring

  13. Artist is probably one of the most balanced killers in the game, somewhere in the top 3-5 alongside Demo, but she feels rather boring to go against for me. In chase, it can feel like her power is "aha! I placed my thingy here and you have leave the loop now or else!" Which isn't really interesting to me (ironic considering knight is one of my mains). The thing that really frustrates me though is that I can't think of a solution. With skull merchant I'd majorly rework her power to make her more like a ghostface/myers style stealth killer. For knight I'd make the guards behavior in chase more interesting and rework the patrol mechanic to prioritize actually using the guards chasing ability rather than using them as areal denial. For Artist, however, I can't think of anything (outside of addressing the fact that she has a slight advantage at holding three gens but its only a slight advantage and I don't know how I'd handle it). I'm going to sound like a broken record but I don't think you can buff or nerf the artist in any major ways without her being too weak or strong, so she's in this sort of gray area where she's balanced but she's not really fun or interesting to go against (to me at least). Also she probably has the worst chase music in the game and I hope she gets something better sooner or later. That's the only thing I know for sure could change.


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