This Entitled TTV Can't Be Real… – Dead By Daylight

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Going over these clips was quite a wild ride and I hop you enjoyed it as much as I did!

Be sure to follow and show some love to the TTV that this person shamed and said would NEVER get a shoutout!

Any clips you’d like me to see can be sent to [email protected]

More entitled TTVs!


25 thoughts on “This Entitled TTV Can't Be Real… – Dead By Daylight”

  1. On the issue of the pallet, I would like to see a killer teachable perk that is a hex similar to Crowd Control that blocks pallet use. It would need a hindrance to balance it, but I think it'd make a good supplementary perk to diversify the speed and length of chases. It'd also make gameplay a bit more varying.

  2. Jesus. Why does everyone say “aids” or say something is cancer? Some of us are actually fighting cancer and some of us are FAILING. AIDS doesn’t just happen it’s hiv, and treated with medication and sometimes unfortunately turns into aids. How are infections diseases or health conditions fun to wish on others? Fuck me running >.< thank you spooks for being amazing. I think it’s why I follow and sub to you. You’re an amazing human who actually brings me joy.

  3. You should make a video sometime about how insane it is that Peanits trolls his own forums making literally hundreds (over time) of troll threads as Borisky and Sluzzy. Any other users would have been banned ages ago, but neither of those accounts have been actioned ever. I find it fascinating. Surely someone else has noticed this.

  4. I wonder why this person or anyone acting like this even play this game if they think that the game is trash and if they just want a free win? Wouldn't they feel better if they just idk played something different? And I play both surv and killer myself


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