Attempting To Solve Chapter 24 – Dead by Daylight

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23 thoughts on “Attempting To Solve Chapter 24 – Dead by Daylight”

  1. They confirmed that the alien is false because that’s used on a program format called bunker and you can create whatever type of figures on there. behaviour from what we have seen, doesn’t use that program.

  2. I still think it’s licensed the tweets too early BHVR following them and called the survivor OG it doesn’t make sense also were did the babadock come from how they know it’s gonna be him hmmm 🤔

  3. I rekon people are looking too far into the interacting with lockers ability, it could just be something like the huntress or trickster where the killer reloads their power at a locker, although it'd be pretty underwhelming for the 6th anniversary.

  4. Ayo, lil heads up, Haddie Kuar is actually someone in DBD already. She’s mentioned multiple times in the Tomes. And her being a indian psychic investigator is actually cannon.

    When it comes to her for Anniversary chapter, I don’t think it’s gonna be original chapter, nor do I think it’s Xenomorph. The model for the Xenomorph in the leak is the same as the model that was in the Xenomorph game.

    I’m still rooting for Springtrap, and I feel like it could be a original survivor and licensed killer, heres what I think:

    -It wouldn’t be easy for FNAF to have a survivor in DBD, so they could throw in a original character

    -Haddie Kuar is a psychic investigator, it could link to FNAF by the kids that Purple Guy/Springtrap Murdered, she could be put on the case.

    If I think of anymore details, I will edit this

  5. so did everyone forget about the huge Nun leaks in the past?? is there no chance that it’s her? to me that’d make perfect sense bc there wouldn’t even be a survivor/main character from those movies really

  6. if killer would be alien and he has to do something with lockers, maybe he creates eggs there? and can enter them and exit in the new one as hatchling and attack survivor like victor

  7. OK I’m just gonna tell you something what happened it’s not alien because your the resident evil chapter was coming out everybody said it was Mr. expos actually nemesis so cannot be alien who’s not gonna have to wait for the next chapter to come out

  8. You almost sound like kanye west, btw did u see the photoshop that shows that the newspapers are "burned" like fnaf newspapers? It doesn't make ANY SENSE the fact that they made such a detail on the newspapers and they are going for an original chapter on the anniversary, right?
    I dont wanna trust leaks this time. Remember that time they said there would have been "The Nun"? Lmao.

  9. Idk about you guys but these leaks are actually starting to really piss me off. Not only because most of them are fake but you can’t trust a single damn thing the devs say. DBD is slowly dying and even the devs aren’t helping their own game that much.


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