Alright They Made Rubberbanding Even Worse – Dead by Daylight

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42 thoughts on “Alright They Made Rubberbanding Even Worse – Dead by Daylight”

  1. So I've heard that there's a desync with what the server expects in terms of the map seed and the seed the client sees (Not sure how true this is), so in the eyes of the server when you're running through certain tiles on the server it looks like you're running through a wall so it teleports you back, causing the rubber banding issue, the unreal engine update in theory, should have not caused any issues, however due to how complicated UE is when porting to UE5 it might have cause certain blueprints to perform incorrectly as those functions might no longer exist, this can also happen to deprecated code on the C++ side causing crashes or errors to happen.

    This is just what I theorize happened and should not be taken as facts, just more as speculation

  2. Im lagging/rubberbanding worse than before. Hud notifies me that killer connection has shit the bed, i get pulled back into his arms and die. In endgame chat killers say its the same but reversed from their perspective.

  3. I’m having an issue where it literally wouldn’t let me get into a game. Unless I use a vpn which I think is bannable by steam, the game finds a lobby then tries loading me in only to kick me out and give me a “could not connect to dedicated server” screen.

  4. DBD can be easily fixed. The developers are sick and love being survivor mains. The killer main is a punching bag. I have insider knowledge that the devs constantly view channels like Scott’s and Otz’ in order to know how to make killer main life terrible. I also heard they intentionally slow our games down in order for channels to talk about it. Just trust me and my sources.

  5. I've gotten some rubber banding but it's certainly not as often as some other people are reporting. It could be based on different PC specs or driver issues if it is indeed a UE problem.

  6. I haven't had any new rubberbanding but I've had a ton of position discrepancies. Right now Pyramid Head's cage is extremely bugged and disjoints my survivor model around like, a gen and a half of length away from the actual cage, it's lead to me being in walls or within boxes while the cage to unhook is distant.

  7. Yep, still getting it on both killer and survivor. It is causing me to lose chases. On killer I get stutters when I am around survivors. It has actually helped me pull survivors hiding in lockers because I know they are near me when I stutter. I have no idea why it is happening, I have fibre and run at a consistent 22ms ping.

  8. The rubber banding isn't gone for sure I have been seeing it at the same frequency as before so this bug that they fixed must have been imaginary 🫤

  9. I think the sever is just shit sometimes the game feels unplayable even just me listening to music makes me rubber band and it didn’t do that two patches ago

  10. Is it possible that the engine update is simply exposing issues that we had before but couldn't see because of the old engine's inherent compensation?


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