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#IntotheFog #deadbydaylight #dbd
This video overviews a discussion Mathieu Cote had with a Fog Whisperer about Slender Man and Chucky. Slenderman and Chucky are highly anticipated new killers in Dead by Daylight.
Special Thanks to Sombre!!
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Slenderman can just hit and "carry" someone with it's shadow tentacles in my opinion, it doesn't actually have to physically touch anyone as long as you're willing to give him custom animation to carry.🤷♀️ I mean you are basically running a version of it with Pinhead.
Another option is to go with The Arrival version of Slenderman. Have Kate/The Chaser go after the survivors like any other killer, but have Slenderman as her ability. He can do all the psychological attacks, and screen messing with stuff while she does the physical stuff. 5:18 I agree with you it seems more like they already are saying he doesn't fit, although Slenderman's lore is probably as open as some of their own killers, so I think it's more of a excuse to just not do him. 🤷♀️
I think chucky and slender man absolutely fit in DBD
Maybe Slenderman can use his tentacles to hit and pick up similar to pinheads hitting and picking up animation and a perk can be that when he is near the survivors screens get staticky
Ummmm, the newest chapter has a character who literally doesn’t do anything but use chains. Like, the most he does is hail hitler when using his power
Sadly wouldnt we not get any more licenses until the 6th year of DBD?
Although this is a Sony adaptation this video clearly shows Slenderman can physically touch you, besides that he can still use his tentacles as shown in o other scenes of the movie….
You mean Millhouse talks about stuff.
I want the Brute from Outlast as a killer and Miles Upshur as the survivor :/
Honestly there a lot creative ways on the other comments saying this about chucky and slendy what im thinking for chucky is that he drags the surv and the hooks would be on the ground with chains so chucky can just grab the hooks and the chains can just go up naturally idk about slender specifically so It's difficult because the lore wise etc.
Sorry for my English
I hope 4 chucky as long i play DbD 🙌
Do you guys think the scooby doo gang could fit into dbd?
Slander man could just us his tendrils to pick u up and hit people
In the movie for slender he used tree branches and shit maybe he can use those to pick people up
Maybe they could add a slender proxy as the killer and slenderman could be their power. The only problem is the proxy would basically have the same look as Legion.
I imagine Chucky could drag you behind himself instead of carrying you on his shoulder.
And….what about….THE NUM ( LA MONJA)????…..
Chucky would be dope, with the inclusion of Victor and Pyramid head it could be done!
Small killer and trap survivors without carrying them!
Bro Charles Lee Ray would be bad ass
I feel that Chucky could easily be put into dbd as a twins skin, like the human version is charlette and Chucky as victor
I disliked and unsubscribed, the cringe is gone now