NERF This Killer Perk! | Dead by daylight

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NERF This Killer Perk! | Dead by daylight

Hellow everyone, in todays video, i decided to use a perk which a lot of players seem to ignore sinds everyone is mostly focused on gen refression perks, but there is one more perk that is really broken, and that perk is stbfl, in todays video i played trapper just to show how broken and quickly you can down survivors even with a weak killer, but stbfl can be even stronger on the right killers such as hag, deathslinger, blight, spirit bc they can hit you and instantly use their power on you which can be really annoying sinds you can’t make any distance at all, hopefuly this perk does’t stay like this and gets changed in the near future, hope you enjoy the video
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Dead by daylight, an asymmetrical horror game, I play at rank 1 with builds such as the zero terror radius T3 Myers or the immersed ghost face build, to trick survivors at rank 1, I love to run killers for 5 gens at rank 1 and do challenges at rank 1, like no pallets at rank 1. Dead by daylight has some toxic survivors and toxic killers who run meta builds to gain an advantage, I like to play with fun builds and less op addons, op perks or op builds. Like the all seeing eyes build, efficient survivor/killer build, the instant heal tank build and the most underrated perks in the game, I also use the infinite sprint burst and head on, builds like the vault speed build to avoid dedicated servers or bad hitboxes on windows and pallets. I use inspiration for some of my videos from other players like the jrm with his .exe videos and otzdarva with his win streaks, no0b3 with his once upon a toxic series and ayrun with the vault speed build. I usually play with nea karlsson or claudette morel. I mainly play Nurse when I play killer at rank 1 but I like to play all the killers, like the Nemesis from Resident Evil or Freddy Kreuger from Nightmare on Elm Street. Rank reset is always scary, rank 20 vs rank 1 with brand new parts and flashlights. I always upload the new chapter, new survivor and new killer when it comes out with the new update. I love using techs like the dumb tech, ayrun tech, cj tech, pretending to be a baby survivor/killer and the locker tech, enjoy the video!

#deadbydaylight #deadbydaylightsurvivor #deadbydaylightguide #deadbydaylighttutorial


23 thoughts on “NERF This Killer Perk! | Dead by daylight”

  1. I think the main point that NOCI means is related to the experience in Soloq only,with inexperienced or new players,they do not have a chance to win,the Soloq experience was already in bad shape,but with the recent buff to killers and nerf to survivors now it’s even more frustrating,also when I play in Soloq after the patch I notice in lot of matches lot of players who get downed DC at 5 gens,or they kill themselves on hook before you manage to save them,and then 2vs1 with 5 Gens it’s over..

  2. it’s not even just in solo q, me and my friends 4 man every night and we’re not gods we’re all average really – and the games have been miserable lol
    i think they only “balanced” it in terms of 4 man bully squads, not the average player

  3. Solo is pretty rough atm. I hope BHVR listens to all of you and helps us out. It is pretty bad at times. And yeah, lots of tunneling/camping too, which is so silly, given that killers are so buffed. Thanks, fun vid.

  4. It's not just killer buffs my friend, the "skill" based matchmaking is so out of whack it's unreal. I've seen MANY games, even today I had baby Dwight vs a seasoned Nemesis (he let us both live when he could've 4k'd through tunnelling). Until we have a more comprehensive system than kills/escapes only solo queue survivors will suffer even if these killer buffs are reverted. Camping + tunnelling is rough on survivors solo or not, maybe have the hook teleport if camped like Executioner's cages and tunnelling slow the killer's speed down for 30 seconds vs that unhooked survivor if too close to them? Or just revert BBQ's nerf, that perk really encouraged go for everyone once for 100% more BP. 😀

    There needs to be additional assistance for solo queue if one DCs, some ideas include: 1) have a bot take over a survivor if they DC, 2) reduce gens to complete by 1 if they DC early (so like 5-4 gens, maybe 3 gens left too). Also some quality of life changes, let us see our teammates' loadouts so we can compliment them with our own (if I see a cake offering damn right I'll stack my own cake on top of it), make Kindred basekit and show us teammates regardless of whose on the hook, give us comms wheel/ping system/status icons so we can identify teammates actions + communicate with each other better.

    Honestly I've had to switch up my playstyle to even tolerate solo q. Spine Chill for intel, Blast Mine for gen denial and buying time (plus it's so funny blinding killers with it 😀 ), Kindred to help the team and Left Behind to memorise hatch spawns. Also no sound challenge so if the killer camps and tunnels I wasn't taking it seriously anyway and death = free derank while they get bullied by a strong SWF. 😉 But I can still hit skill checks, do gens, chases and help team best I can even with my game audio muted. It's how I'm coping with this bs anyway, if I get too attached I'd just rage uninstall and play something else.

    But the sheer number of tunnelling and even a teammate bodyblocked me on purpose vs killer today I punched my monitor, it was super frustrating. BHVR need to realise my patience, and other players' patience is a finite entity, because we WILL uninstall and we WILL play something else if they don't care to properly fix it. NOCI, I hope for your sake you have a backup if DBD continues to get worse and devs don't listen, because I hate seeing good people fall. 💔

    Thanks for coming to my TED Talk, lol. But seriously if these issues aren't addressed properly at best it'll just be content creators and toxic elitist jerks playing DBD, at worst game could be in serious trouble especially as Evil Dead and VHS exists for asymmetrical PvP. I hope they fix it but I know where the door is if they won't. Be kind to each other fellow gamers, peace. ❤

  5. I think DBD survivors now need a “Gameplay status”
    For example set a status to be a “Looper” or “Generator focus” or “healer”

    Something like that because every game I now join no one does gens and just wanna loop the killer but fails miserably

  6. so the problem is the same thing as everything before the patch anyways, solo que has always been bad I feel like the issue is that mmr is broken rn so having bad teammates happens more often on top of the fact that all the killers that survived playing against crutch perks like DS and dead hard are WAYYYY BETTER than survivors that got nerfed into oblivion with almost virtually nothing to lean on anymore.
    tl;dr its basically a skill issue.

  7. Come on bro. I don't mean to piss on your parade here, but there's no way that you can tell me that dudes are good whatsoever. Like look at them, 4:35 to 5:05, they stepped in the single most out in the open traps imaginable, not to mention how garbage they were in chase half the time. Not every killer perk is broken just because survivors can't win every match in solo que. Granted, yes, some are definitely stronger now than they were before, but it's not like there's nothing survivors can do about it. If they would stop disconnecting immediately they'd probably figure it out.

  8. I don’t really think it needs a change tbh and if you wanted to make it so survivors get more distance then I feel that individual killers would need to be addressed. Stbfl tends to most benefit the weakest killers with some exceptions and as such beefing the perk could hurt weak killers which I don’t think is productive.

  9. It doesn’t really matter if you win one single game with nurse or Trapper.

    It’s already been noted that kills where lower than bhvr liked, meaning that survivors were overwhelming killers on average.

    The changes are great and if you want more change, tell them to nerf swfs and buff solo


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