Will VHS The Game KILL Dead by Daylight?

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Today I want to answer the question that I’ve been asked continusly since VHS has been revealed.. “Will VHS Kill Dead by Daylight?”. I’m gonna do my best to help everyone watching why I do NOT think VHS will kill DBD. I hope you enjoy. Let’s break it down!

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FOR HONOR CROSSOVER EVENT LEAKED! ► https://youtu.be/91x2vy1K15U

JASON VOORHEES IN DBD UPDATE! ► https://youtu.be/tvkfGVt7h9Q
Music Used:
Dead by Daylight Metal Cover – Thunder Scott – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWXmw9x473I
“Tainted (Instrumental Version)” by Red Revision

#IntoTheFog #VHS #dbd


37 thoughts on “Will VHS The Game KILL Dead by Daylight?”

  1. Came outta my comfort zone for this one doods lol. Let me know what you think about this! Do you think VHS could possibly end up killing DBD? Also, would you want more discussion type videos like this? Let me know! Thank you all so much for watching, you're all amazing!

  2. I have a good feeling vhs will be like all the other asymmetrical games of the past where they are pretty big for their launch but then the balance issues come into play and makes it just not fun for one side. I have a strong feeling that against coordinated groups, the monster player will just be able to do next to nothing and will be bullied harder than in dbd because you can be killed and have no scratch marks to go off of and you'll have tom clancy 1-4 in your lobby. I do hope it goes well enough to light a fire under bhvr to not be such a trash dev company but we'll have to see

  3. We all know that the biggest reason that killed Friday, Evolve and Last Year was the option to kill the "killer". Even if it is free, the visual appeal is amazing , but even dbd has a lot of wasted time simply because you either get slugged, get looped for minutes straight or just straight up doesnt find the survivors; from what I've seen this game takes these mechanics to the next level, and they lock you without a choice. They're not the same, but these 2 reasons already make me think this won't be a game I like as much as dbd, this and the fact that dbd introduced me my favorite villain.

  4. I don't think VHS will "Kill" Dead By Daylight. What it will do will pressure Behavior Interactive. If VHS is successful it force them to listen to there community and fog whispers about the unbalance and take into account what "we" the players want. That is my hope. It won't "Kill" but it may just make them listen to there player base. That is my big hope because competition only will make the game better.

  5. Even with the licenses killer, it's not sure VHS can "kill" Dead by Daylight. I mean, do you remember Friday the 13rd ? XD
    Also, Dead by Daylight have a huge lore and not real limits because of how the lore works, and it's my favorite thing about the game: Except if VHS make a lore really interesting and at the same level, I'll stay to DBD.

  6. Will VHS kill DbD? No, I don't think so. DbD will maintain a certain fanbase resulting from the strength of its licensed properties and the years worth of content that has come out for it. But I don't personally care to see one game "kill" the other. Rather, I hope that VHS is successful enough that it gets Behavior off their butts and actually putting effort into their game again. The competition would be good for both games.

    I've quit DbD a few weeks ago because I just found that the game had lost all magic or fun for me in its current state. The game continues to be buggy, the monetization is just discouraging and the balance is all over the place. The recent PTB update didn't change my mind to come back either. I'm excited for the potential of VHS and I'm hoping that it gives me a solid 4v1 to play again. In that sense, VHS may cannibalize a portion of DbD's player base who, like me, only really stuck around because there was no decent alternative. I also imagine that there will be a decently-sized population that will play both to some extent. That's a good thing, too.

    At the end of the day, VHS looks like an exciting new take on the 4v1 genre developed by a group of people that are passionate about it and I really hope it finds success. We need more quality games like this on the market to foster better effort from developers and more active engagement from the players.

    Cheers, Toots!

  7. I mean I don’t know why VHS and DBD can’t both exist at the same time I think there’s room for both games and I never wanted a game to come along and killed DBD especially because it’s my favorite game two but I’ve always wanted DBD to have a competitor so that they can be pushed to approve more and I feel like VHS is going to fill that role nicely I also wanted a game that was similar enough to DBD that I can also have fun and enjoy because DBD can be frustrating sometimes and it would be nice to have another game like DBD that isn’t so frustrating that I could swap to

  8. VHS looks cool and looks like it will do well. But personally it looks sorta all over the place, still excited but putting this up against DBD is gonna be a tricky challenge cause DBD is just that far ahead

  9. I feel like there is 2 things people NEED to understand before going into VHS

    1: VHS plays NOTHING like DBD, they are completely seperate games and the only things similar is that its 4v1 asym horror, and that theres basic mechanics like healing and i guess crafting.

    2: VHS doesnt NEED to kill DBD to be successful, and doesnt NEED to kill DBD to be competition. Yes a large amount of people exited for VHS are DBD players, but that doesnt mean it wont draw in players from other communities in order to grow and become a great game.

    On a side note, If VHS is to get licenses in the future (Such as say Alien or Stranger Things if they ever decide to do collabs again) then I think that will set the game in stone very well.

  10. See to me I wasn't drawn into DBD by the licenses. I've bought 3 of the licensed chapters and so far that's it. If VHS comes to console I'll definitely check it out, mostly because DBD is a mess for console players and I genuinely struggle to have fun playing it, or actually playing it given all the lag issues and bugs. So at the moment it's going to be based on which one is actually playable, and I assume it would be the same for people who have the same issues on console.

  11. I have to admit, I honestly don’t think it will even though I kinda want it to…I love DBD and I don’t want it to die, but Bhvr needs competition to do better. I don’t think VHS is it though. I love the graphics and the artistic style of the game, maps, killers etc Honeslty the design team did an INCREDIBLE job I am super impressed, but the gameplay itself feels like it has no entertainment value for me :/ like yeah it seems interesting, but what about next match and then the match after that and so on and so on. There’s not enough variety in the game itself to keep me interested in doing the same objective over and over. They’re gonna need to add something before I consider buying it. DBD did a good job avoiding that repetition cause you have so many killers, perks and items that allow you to strategize how exactly you want to win and you can work with teammates on that even though you’re just solving generators, it feels exciting and playing killer is even better cause you also have to handle new killer mechanics. Even though the game is riddled with bugs and issues, it still feels fresh (?). I’m afraid VHS won’t have that…

  12. Like the devs said, DBD is the 'hall of fame of horror'. So most of the popular slashers are put in to the game, and that will bring a lot of new players. So I don't think that VHS will kill DBD, but I do hope that it will motivate Behavior to put some more effort into fixing the game and listen to their playerbase because they have more competition.

  13. if dbd stays how it is currently (survivor sided) and looses more popular licenses like Halloween and Nightmare on Elm Street then I can see dbd starting to crumble and fall but if the devs make the game more balanced and keep introducing new licenced characters then I think VHS wont be able to kill it but at least take away some players from dbd because it does look really good.

  14. Im curious to see how it goes when VHS discord has 21k members – most of which appear to be a DBD player who are all looking to leave DBD to play VHS.
    when the steam player levels are dropping month on month since the drop of nemesis i feel there is a potential for VHS to take a big chunk of the player base,
    I get what you are saying about licences BUT there is a big difference between playing a game with a licence that isnt fun to play right now VS playing a new game that is a much much more fun to play.
    Fun rules over everything.

  15. I have a feeling that most of the people who are saying that VHS is going to kill DBD are the people who are saying that DBD is unplayable right now (Balancing issues, MMR, and Bugs). While some of these Issues are true and need to be addressed like 90% of my games are fine and for the vast majority of people who play casually the game is fine. I feel like once VHS drops there is going to be a surge of players and everyone is going to say that this is the best game ever and then the player base is going to drop a month or two later (like Phas, Among us, Fall guys, ect.). While I hope that VHS continues to have a consistent player base because I am excited for this game since I want a new game to play with friends on I hope VHS doesn't die off within the first few months of release. Also, I hope VHS forces DBD to really listen to the community to make changes quicker and maybe even extend the time between each chapter to work on each one more.

  16. I don't think it will kill dbd, but definitely make it sweat, especially considering that the playerbase of dbd spikes then immediately drops off around dlc releases, meaning players want to play the dlcs and licenses but not stick around, presumably because the game imo isn't fun.

    VHS doesn't need licenses to be popular, I think it's strength alone could do a lot of work. But I think they'll just be equal competitors at best

  17. I’m just gonna say,if VHS stays on only PC it’s gonna die so fucking fast

    Look at what happened to fall guys VHS isn’t gonna last it it stays on one platform

  18. No. But it doesn't need to kill DBD to be successful. They cater to different audiences i think. DBD has horror licenses and horror stories, where killers hunt down survivors like a horror movie. VHS is PG horror where the two sides battle each other.

  19. I think that's why Behaviour has been so lazy with their improvements is because they didn't have competition. Friday the 13th wasn't near enough. It took Behaviour 4+ years to add colorblind settings and only care about pumping out chapters because that's what makes money. "Play something else" – Mathieu Cote

  20. I feel like it will pose competition and who knows maybe they will even do a collab in the future or something but in terms of flat out killing DBD highly unlikely and like you said the devs of DBD seem to want to be improving the game like with the next patch we’ll get Mikaela and Boon Totems which I feel like will help out the game a bunch so that way matches don’t feel so one sided which is the main complaint for most players.

  21. This question has been asked so many times would insert X game here kill Dead by daylight.

    And the answer always turns out to be no. The most I could see it doing and this is if it does really well is being possible competition but kill no


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