New Mori Finisher (Explained & Discussed) | Dead by Daylight

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My thoughts on the dev notes regarding the new “Mori Finisher” and basekit Unbreakable / self-pick up changes.

0:00 Summary
1:10 Self Pick-up Basekit
2:56 Last Standing & Mori Finisher
4:40 Consequences & Analysis

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41 thoughts on “New Mori Finisher (Explained & Discussed) | Dead by Daylight”

  1. I am very curious how this comes out and what it will mean for the game… I am just a little bit confused. I remember, their goal was to lengthen the matches in the past and now this. Thank you for the summary and I hope they will work on the Cheater-Problem in the future too. Take care and have fun :3

  2. Did they not say that the perks unbreakable, exponential, no mither, and soul guard are having the ability to pick yourself up taken away? I would assume this means that it only helps speed up the meter for another to pick you up or else you need to wait the 45 seconds. Like a cooldown on a perk.

  3. SWF will become unbeatable. If they go down at a pallet with a friend near. Killer is now forced to commit to a 22sec chase. Longer chase means lose lose. Meanwhile 2 ppl are sitting on gens without sweat. Not only will it be near impossible to get hooks/kills, but indirectly gens will go faster as a result of them not having to leave their gens.

  4. This totally sucks. I run Rancor all the time, variations of Rancor Roulette and sneaky Rancor plays are really the only fun I have with killer. This forces killer to play how survivors want, no surprises. I hate it.

  5. I like how with this patch they basically buffed Nurse… again. One insane play where she downs 3 people in less than 45 seconds, game ends instantly. That happens more than you think it does.

  6. I still think they need to add hats for victor in every twins cosmetic. As for these changes, I like them in theory because it seems that it will make it much harder for one side to maintain control of a match for a long period of time. It sounds like they're aiming to make matches more chaotic and more rewarding for efficient game play. Will this work in practice once it hits the PTB? Who knows. I'm, if nothing else, curious to see experience the change.

  7. Do you think that if they add this update maybe they will add some perks in the future to counter this? Like a perk that makes when all survs are downed they cant recover without help or smth like that? It could be cool but also game breaking if not done properly

  8. 22 seconds with unbreakable is not a long time at all when the killer is chasing 1 person. If 4 survivors run 4 unbreakables how the hell would you ever trigger an endgame mori scenario? Assuming the survivors are smart and not group up.

  9. if this update becomes a thing then no one will ever want to play killer again because it would be too unfair for killers, cause it would be way to survivor sided. maybe if it was a 50/50 chance of being able to fully recover it would be better and having perks affect the time not go below 30 seconds it would be so much more fair to killers and still good for survivors

  10. …. Didn’t they literally just release data that shows the game actually currently is killer sided. Killers are at 61% while survivors are at 39%. That’s not balanced the survivors definitely needed some type of buff lol.

  11. What if self-pickup time increases each time you go down? 1st down, 45 seconds. 2nd down, 55. 3rd down, 65, and so on. Then make Unbreakable a set reduction in self-pickup time (maybe 10/12/15 seconds) so the more you go down, the less effective it will be. They could also change current perks or introduce new ones (you know, No Mither's description is perfect for this effect) to reduce/negate the increasing self-pickup time.

  12. If you add another perk as a base mechanic, the speed of recovery should be flat 45 seconds, always, so the killer has information what to do and not add another sets of variables what MIGHT happen. Also in current state there is definitely room for unbreakable to become a meta perk, since there is a bit of confusion what is now the best and this would fit right in to make sure killer can never really slug. Exponential already can do it so it's not even worth talking about it.

  13. I don't like it, I like killing more than one survivor, and what if you play for example 5 matches and never see a mori, because they always escape? I like BT basekit, but UB is too much in my opinion. Let's imagine a situation when you down someone and they crawl to a pallet, you want to pick up, but there are survivors around, and they can do flashlight or pallet save, they keep you distracted, but you really really have to pick up and when you finally timed it out, that survivor get up and stun you with a pallet. I don't know, I think these changes would be unhealthy for the game.

  14. So, get the fuck away from Bubba when someone is downed, go to the ends of the earth against a Starstruck Nurse (as if they aren't already OP, now insta win with 4 downs, that's crazy). The birth of the unbreakable + reassurance meta for killers to rip their hairs out. And bye bye giving hatch to last man standing, which I like to do often. I know this is just for the PTB for now, but this shit's crazy.

  15. You've mentioned that Killers benefit from this if they down all the survivors, they can end the match. That's the same as how it is currently if they down all the survivors, they've still won, they just have to do the hook work is all.

    This doesn't benefit Killers at all.

  16. I don't get why they would remove the moris from devour and rancor, zero reason to do it. And also devour will do the same thing, only boring and lame, hooking instead of a cool mori animation. I hope they revert that absolutely unnecessary and boring nerf to those 2 perks.


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