dbd #strangerthings #demogorgon This Dead by Daylight Chapter 19 Achievement took a lot longer then i expected a total of 7 games to get Adept Demogorgon …
killer adept: – kill all 4 survivors (max 1 last-hook hatch-escapist) – chase enough but not too much – hit survivors with you power – protect the gens – prevent injuries from being healed – stay away from hooked survivors – avoid any stuns or missed attacks …
Woooo you hit 15k 🙂 also the last team could have escaped but they focused on that one gen they should have put pressure on other gens as I was watching I see every gen you went to was progressed but the one they liked doing (props of watching PROBZZ and RED I get better ideas and I get better at killer/survivor
why do you only have 15000 subscribers?? your content is so good, you are calm + u play so good do you happen to stream? if yes please share your schedule
Triple Cheese Demo Puppy
Perfect vid to watch with the Michigan goods we got lol, love watching the demo plays, also loving all the vids coming out
POV: you are solo queue and these are your teammates
Follow my twitch please and support! Gonna be streaming dbd! https://www.twitch.tv/kingcoconut777
Adept Wraith, he’s my favorite, love me some Bing Bong Man
Amazing Vid Red 😁👍
Is it just me or is nurse very easy to loop for me I can loop her for days and I use dead heard and she just leaves me
That was fun to watch!
Do you think you'll upload a video for the evil incarnate achievement?
survivor adept: escape
killer adept:
– kill all 4 survivors (max 1 last-hook hatch-escapist)
– chase enough but not too much
– hit survivors with you power
– protect the gens
– prevent injuries from being healed
– stay away from hooked survivors
– avoid any stuns or missed attacks
thefuck is this
I’ve been trying to get ghost face adept but because I’m in red ranks it’s really hard
I feel bad for whoever has to play against you ur too good bro😂
Just got my daily dose of RedsGamingGears and I'm all juiced up 😂
Good times
Took you long enough to get this lol.
No balls you do adept nurse
Woooo you hit 15k 🙂 also the last team could have escaped but they focused on that one gen they should have put pressure on other gens as I was watching I see every gen you went to was progressed but the one they liked doing (props of watching PROBZZ and RED I get better ideas and I get better at killer/survivor
why do you only have 15000 subscribers?? your content is so good, you are calm + u play so good
do you happen to stream? if yes please share your schedule
Hi guys plz sub to my channel in trying to get 20 subs