Awful Survivor And Friends Harass TTV – Dead By Daylight

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28 thoughts on “Awful Survivor And Friends Harass TTV – Dead By Daylight”

  1. Y’all, who is the bigger dickhead here:

    The survivor that was salty for losing a video game

    The friends that the survivor got to harass because he cried to them that he lost a video game

  2. Oh snap! I was there that night in his stream when that happened. I was very happy that he took the trolls words this way and basically told them to F off. Thank you Jukes for once again sharing this with everyone and giving support to Kruderemedy ♥

  3. Ive been playing dbd for a few months, and love it. I always try and go for the save, and wouldn't just exit if a team mate is on the hook. I am absolute trash at running and looping killers, but I just enjoy playing. I get hate mail daily from salty players. It's hard to imagine some people taking a game so seriously.

  4. If I were a Survivor, I'd only rely on strategy to both help my teammates, and take opportunities to distract the Killer and make things interesting for everyone. I'd never be like these clowns and harass people. I'd be really nice and just be a good sport. 😉👍

  5. I honestly think that that ready button is one of the reasons survivor is so much less stressful than killer. You get wrecked as survivor? Ok die on hook and hop into the next game then. You get wrecked as killer? Either you eat a dc penalty or you continue get bullied all the way up until the last survivor's escaped. You can't cut the match short.

  6. This happened to a streamer friend of mine while also playing DBD. At first it was one dude and then he proceeded to bring 3 other people to insult him all because he died in a game. They all got banned, but 2 of them still came back to stream to harass in alt accounts. It’s so pathetic

  7. Weirdest part is that KrudeRemedy played that pallet situation pretty well, at least as far as I can tell. Stuck close to the pallet incase the Wraith tried to change targets. Only mistake I can see is that it looked to be dropped way too early

  8. Damn, my man's a marine and all they did was lowest creativity insults about weight. What about eating crayons and feeding helicopters while calling them "Birdie"? Zero imagination, zero skill and zero self respect on their part.

  9. Absolutely blows my mind that people think its ok to attack someone like that. Absolutely sickening. Im a baby streamer and Im just waiting for the trolls to come one of these days. Hopefully never.

  10. KrudeRemedy had on his info thing that he was also a former U.S Marine. So not only did he serve in the military for our country, he also gets made fun of by the same people he protected to allow them to play games. I’m so done w the absolute zero respect/manners. Thank you KrudeRemedy for your service to the United States and all you’ve helped and thank you for the content. Continue to create!

  11. There’s this streamer called phantom something And when me and my friends went against the killer they started talking crap about my team and how we were being toxic when we weren’t even being toxic we were sabotaging hooks and doing flashlight saves yet we were being called toxic.….

  12. If I saw the guy say "nice dbd players" I'd have said "I don't think those 3 words go together especially when you're doing this shit. Are you really this much of a loser?"

    I was streaming as pyramid head, going for all the adept killer achievements as a fun little challenge and some guy from my first match came in to be salty, pretty sure it was the meg I didn't manage to kill, and I was just like "wow I literally don't know who you are but you're so mad that I'm actually proud of that being my first game as pyramid head ever and I still got 3k" or something like that before banning him


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