Survivors HATE Iridescent Hatchets – Dead By Daylight

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Survivors are allowed to use all the “broken” perks/add-ons they want… But when the killer does it… UNACCEPTABLE! 😛

Salty Survivor Sends Me Voice Messages –

Survivor Goes AFK, Then Cries –

Entitles Survivor HATES Losing –


50 thoughts on “Survivors HATE Iridescent Hatchets – Dead By Daylight”

  1. I don’t like Iridescent Heads tbh. They are super broken and they do suck the fun out of getting chases for huntress. Ask yourself here, do you like a game being over in a minute or so as survivor because the killer brings an add on that completely sucks the fun out of playing survivor?

  2. While I do believe Iridescent Head needs an adjustment…my only dislike for it comes from the players themselves, only using it from close range where the "wiggle room" to escape getting hit is very small – it effectively comes down to luck of the Killer throwing it wrong. Maybe the nerf ought to be the hatchet only one-shots if thrown from a certain range, to capitalize on getting better with throwing the hatchets? No idea…but yeah, that's just my two cents. I've used Iridescent Head and gotten long-range shots…very few DCs from that playstyle versus "up against your bumper."

    But the salt of these Survivors…they all made critical mistakes of just running to doorways and windows and pallets. You gotta fake it. lol

  3. My opinion might be not popular here, but I feel horrible seeing people expending the coil of neverending anger at each other. When survivor gets tunneled right off the hook, survivor goes on and puts DS/Unbreakable. Same thing for killer: you got bullied by a 14 y.o SWF bullies? Hmm, where's my Infinite tier 3/Tombstone Myers?..
    It mostly comes from frustration of a loss and forgetting "it's just a game,you'll win next time". I myself met a bully squad with OOO. I lost and they wrote: "XD rank 1 killer, boosted". Happily I have a good temper not to respond or feed them, but I know that others do not. So please stay joyful, treat others with respect (if they do the same),learn from your mistakes and not from what OOO dickheads say to you. 😉

  4. i only dc if i’m having a bad day and i literally just don’t feel like playing anymore. most of my dcs are because of my ps4 not liking dbd. i think i used to dc with iri head but just recently i sat through it. i guess it’s okay but i still wasn’t having the time of my life. i can’t whine about it tho cause it’s supposed to be used in the game. just like noed and literally bubba as a whole

  5. As a killer and survivor player I do gotta side with the survivors on this one….that add on doesn’t make the game fun at all. Yes it’s fun for killer but if you were on the other side we’ll then you would dc to

  6. Twitter makes people think they can shame others into behaving differently. They carry this notion to other facets of their life not realizing that it only works on extremely weak group-thinkers like themselves.
    These people can't handle adversity in a damn video game, I can't imagine how they hold a job(they probably don't).

  7. some add-ons are just retarded in dbd lfmao with survivors add-ons theres a skill factor like with flashlights you have to aim it a certain way at a certain time and your rewarded for that same goes for toolboxes you have to do two tricky skill checks and then it burns out. but with shite like iridescent head its just 1 hit everything and all you have to do is hit them once, if thats the case why dont the survivors just get a flashlight that blinds the killer instantly? i get some perks have a reward factor like bq and chili your rewarded for hooking someone but with no ed your rewarded for not doing the objective and sucking at it and if thats the case why dont survivors get adrenaline for not doing the gens ?

  8. Also u realize how many fucked up ppl there is out there yet u publicly shows someone's user so ppl can go bully him/her? Do ur content but don't break someone's privacy ur not 10

  9. Some of the survivors were funny, they used a flashlight to save the team, it was normal, but some guys click.. click.. the flashlight and crouch like "If you are good, kill me " and 3 minutes later. that got killed, then they said I toxic and camperrrrr

  10. I don't understand why people don't understand the concept that killers aren't supposed to cater towards survivors, and survivors aren't supposed to cater towards killers. You're not supposed to make it easier for the other side.

  11. Hey Spook N Jukes. I want to get better. How do I go against this?? Do I just a hide a bit more? fake windows? accept my fate? this sucks more when i play with duo and the 3rd or 4th DCs..then were just like welp all well lol.

  12. it's annoying when you queue up solo and this happens to you. to all you dc survivors out there, you'd be surprised just how many more games you'd win if you stayed in. they don't seem to understand it's a team game and when they leave they kill all chances for their team to escape. example: I queue up in a game, teammate immediately goes down then disconnects. myself and another solo queue survivor run the killer for 4 gens but in the end we died anyway. the point is if that person didn't dc at the beginning our chances wouldn't have been so dire.

  13. I'm fine with iri huntress. It is just annoying and feels kinda bm when they proxy camp hooks. Granted yes do gens but it sucks for the people on hooks that don't have fun because they have to sit there because of that style of play. I don't see a prob with iri hatchets. I'm a surv main. I counted three misses from a huntress before she reloaded one match. I said "Probs has iri" I go for the hook save and she proxy camped so I tried juking the throw but she was point blank and I went down after she held her wind up like 10 seconds to make sure she hit me. So I messed up as a survivor thinking she wouldn't proxy camp a hook. Legit only went for the hook save cause no one was saving. Either way it is just a game, good luck and have fun in 2021.

  14. A dog shit huntress is one that just walks around the hook you're on ready to throw a hatchet at you the second you get off the hook. Not giving you a chance to do anything, this is just a good huntress. Great videos by the way!


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