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back when reverse pallet stuns were a thing l Dead By Daylight
This is my 37th Dead by daylight short clip! This channel is made specifically for my Dead by daylight best clips and Dead by daylight random clips! These dead by daylight clips are originally recorded from my own gameplay and so I upload them to entertain as many people as possible with my dead by daylight best survivor moments or my best killer moments!
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i kinda dont miss this lol
reverses still exist when the killer gets hit validated, has happened to me a few times
Bruhhhh!!!!! I think these are making a comeback ngl. Today I did it 2 times on accident and 1 of the times it caused the killer to go to the other side… Easier to do in my opinion
What is this song
I miss you old Coldwind, where did you go
Now you have hit validation
I pulled it off against a legion no lag at all
back when the (g)old animation was better
Now you just get stuned from 4 miles away
so you were a tryhard
I still think it shouldn't have been removed. Pallets were already unsafe 50% of the time cause most killers respect them or move away just before you throw them lol. This was kind of unique if the Killer messed up and ran through instead of swinging through the pallet.
I miss the old dbd days
Lol the music just makes it better 🤣🤣
They technically still exist, but not like this. Idk how to do it, it's been accidental from me, but it actually like sends you and the killer on opposite sides of the pallet
Edit: Aaaaaaand everyone else has commented this already. Ignore this comment