Basekit Unbreakable and Other Sweeping Changes – Dead by Daylight

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49 thoughts on “Basekit Unbreakable and Other Sweeping Changes – Dead by Daylight”

  1. Unbreakable recovery speed at 100% is wayyyy too high. Reduce to 30/40/50% for each perk level and its fair. Slugging being discouraged makes sense, but for some situations as a killer, its best to slug so dont make it entirely useless.

  2. ummm slugging is 100% useless now!, chases can be longer than 45secs! on top of that it requires m1 attacks the survivor 4 man team deserves a lost for playing bad. gets everyone a new game cause clearly the survivors did extremely bad if you lost and 4 people got slugged lol!. also unbreakable already countered slugging, no mither counters slugging and the perk that increasing healing by 100% on dying survivors!. so now bad survivors are forced in the game with a good killer even longer so both sides take longer only for the killer to win again! LOL, those survivors are so bad if all of them got slugged its almost impossible to do that in this game.

    slugging is also extremely, extremely risking at times for the killer you get no hooks! and almost no pressure. i only slug maybe once when i know i can or if the team is just straight up BAD!. i will 100% tunnel in this game now! any body blocks from hooks or downs etc… no point in chases other survivors! cause if you leave that survivor you just DOWNED all your hardwork is gone, straight to hooking and possiblely tunneling.

    also killer is forced to pick up survivors under pallets now! going vs a SWF team, this is retarded dumb and not thought out. survivor will just pick themselves up or team will save flashlight, pallet drop. game is already a bit easy on survivors with free bees i don't think they need anymore.

  3. The only good thing about this is that it'll make slugging harder and Killers can't troll/BM so hard anymore by holding the game hostage at the end. They'll have to either let the Survivor win or just down them and finish the match.

  4. Every other youtuber and viewer is getting brain aneurysm cause of these changes when Scott is like "ye, cool changes, maybe little survivor sided" XD. It's just little funny to me ( and i too think those changes are okay but maybe change from 45 to 60 seconds and sabo squads are getting boners )

  5. Did killer need another win condition? I feel like survivors are the side that need a new engaging objective or win condition outside of gens. Maybe I’m thinking backwards but I am happy they are taking steps to encourage play that will gives everyone a chance to enjoy the most fun part of dbd even tho gens still suck lol

  6. They literally made it where bringing unbreakable allows you to pick yourself up infinitely. Nice lets buff some of the strongest survivor perks lol

    Spoilers, this feature is insane for survivors.

  7. Absolutely awful changes.Unbreakable now on every survivor confirmed. You don't even need to be slugging. All you need is the downed surv to be in a pallet and a couple of others hovering near by, or with flashlights. Boom – Up in 22 seconds. What a joke. And I always give hatch so rip to that. I think I am legitimately done with this game. If I play survivor it's a shit show. Clueless andies. if I play killer I get comp squad sweats. It's not fun any more at all.

  8. Why are they doing this?… Do you know how rare it is for Survivors to allow themselves to get 4 man slugged??? If that happens, it's a MAJOR fuck-up on their end. So they complained after playing poorly, and now BHVR is trying to cater to their complaints, and are messing everything up as usual?

    I don't even know why people complain about being slugged. You can move, you can recover 98% of your bar, and you don't gain a hook state. It's basically GOOD to get slugged. Killer won't get hook perk activation, etc etc… Being slugged is BETTER than being hooked, for the Survivor.

    The only reason people ever complain about being slugged is because they're just lashing out at whatever is right in front of their screen at the moment that they realize their mistakes. (Not that they'd ever acknowledge it as their mistakes.)

  9. If this is a system being created to avoid slugging why are they making it so you essentially have to slug every survivor to get a mori? Doesn't this just seem like it would encourage people to attempt slugging more to get mori's and win games faster?

  10. It made winning situations for killer stronger when they are already winning. It will just make matches go by faster so everyone goes back to queue faster. I don't think this will work out like BHVR thinks it will.

    Regarding Survivors picking themselves up, yeah that needs to happen otherwise Killers will just slug with Knockout and nobody finds each other and matches would end super fast. Imagine a Lethal Pursuer Bubba, Nurse Blight. Infinite Tier 3 Myers. Insta downing people left and right. Survivors need to be able to pick themselves up alone or else every game is a slugfest for 4k.

  11. 6:08 Scott you are completely wrong, the perk will not make it 22.5seconds. It increases your self-recovery speed up time, but the ability to pick yourself STILL activates after 45 seconds.

  12. What if a survivor goes in a corner where a hook is destroyed? Either by a perk like Breakdown or because a survivor is sacrificied? At that point its not possible to hook, that survivor can pick himself up and repeat the process. I don’t think it’s healthy at all, its very abusable.
    Also 2 survivors can abuse Flip Flop builds and there is nothing a killer can do. You can’t pick up, you’re forced to chase the second person. First person can pick himself for free and help the second person. And they can repeat this the whole match. Very healthy game design

  13. Honestly, I think the Offering changes are going to make them even less used. Why would you take the memento Mori for a possible extra 20,000 if you 4k, when you could just bring a survivor Pudding for double? Like, a 4k usually always gets you 20,000 bloodpoints anyways? I'd rather be safe and take the 100% bonus to my final score no matter what it is, then a risky possible 20k bonus with a rare offering.

    They should retire the Mori offerings if they go through with this & just introduce offerings that let you influence RNG for the maps. An offering that grants you at least two T-L tiles, or an offering that grants you a higher chance to get less pallets… etc (on both sides too, so opposite for survivor). Just an idea though because I feel like the current offerings are just used for bloodpoints

  14. So if i down 4 people in like 20 seconds as bubba i just instantly win with no difficulty? Tbh that just makes me Not wanna play Killers like bubba myers and any other insta down Killers because i would just get bored out of my mind

  15. Infinite self-pickups has to be the one of the dumbest most game breaking changes they have ever thought of. If you wanna make unbreakable basekit then fine, one pickup per match per survivor is MORE than enough, but Infinite pickups? Are you kidding me. If they wanna hit slugging nurses theyve failed miserably. Nurse is probably the only character that can actually slug multiple people and still return all within 45 seconds, whereas every other killer would suffer from this, especially killers that NEED to snowball to win. On top of that you know how many survivors are going to be virtually invincible now with sabo squads and boil over where you cant get them to a hook no matter what? And theyll just run back to tbe same spot. Absolutely ridiculous.

  16. I'd say you should fully read the dev updates prior to making a video about them. You completely skipped over the biggest part of the survivor perks they are changing. They no longer allow you to pick yourself up. That's only possible if you're already on the ground for 45 seconds. Plus this is going to make star struck nurse even more whack. I mean if 4 people get slugged within 45 seconds the games over? So it's a long shot but not impossible, but let's say nurse gets a down and picks up with star struck and the aura perk wesker broght that lets you know where people are while carrying and everyone's star struck. That person gets dropped then the nurse goes onto slug everyone else, not even hooking them a single time, and the game is over? They're slowly making survivor unplayable. I mean most survivors are solo queue already and they're pushing this demographic away doing stuff like this =(
    Soon all survivors will be replaced with bots for people to kill since no one's going to want to actually play survivor anymore lol. The meme hasn't left guys but "I think we did a pretty good job so far"…

  17. These addon/offering changes is how tech debt keeps piling up for them. They have the opportunity right now to make the perks usable, hell even good and they choose…another offering bp increase…

  18. Is it just me or does playing killer start to feel like an exhausting 9-5 babysitting job. I'm not really sure if its due to balancing or due to the gameplay loop. but man is it stressful, it feels like very rarely am I in a position of power and I'm struggling to keep up. I'm all for very close fun games you had to work for, because they feel great afterwards. but when that's every game it gets physically exhausting


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