Beating The Most Broken Strategy In Dead by Daylight

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It can be really annoying when people use broken strategies with items offering in Dead by Daylight, but Huntress can deal with all of them 🙏. I hope you enjoy the Gameplay.

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48 thoughts on “Beating The Most Broken Strategy In Dead by Daylight”

  1. So the best strategy to beat those kind of addons is to play dbd every day and accumulate over 1k hours on huntress. Whats the second best, starstruck nurse?

  2. Huntress is the only character I've put enough time into to really call my main, but I haven't even tried any of those long across the universe shots you did a few of here. Guess I gotta find a way to practice those

  3. I was doing my adept on blight. While also still learning how to play said character. Run in to a 4 man team p20s and stuff I only saw after the game. 4 yellow Medkits two had stims 4 adrenalines. 2 DH and 2 sprint Burst with hope on all of them. Don’t know last perk. I ended that game with 2 hooks a couple tbags just simply can’t even do an achievement nowadays

  4. tbh knowing where everyone is and being in a chase at 4 gens is better than not knowing where anyone is after going to all of the gens once…that shit scares me…

  5. It cracks me up that Hens complains about survivor addons and health packs and every game I see he's trashing survivors, and every game he watches with pro killer vs pro survivors the survivors get trashed.

  6. The worst part about these type of players is not the fact you will lose, but the fact they will act like dicks when they have rigged the game in their favor and meanwhile I'm using Shadowborn only on my Demo and wondering why are gens flying.
    (Not actually Shadowborn only, but Shattered hope and Pentimento with no boons is the equivalent)


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