Can we please buff Legion? | Dead by Daylight

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Hey BHVR, can we please buff Legion already? Downing Survivors in Frenzy happens far too rarely and he could really use a faster speed in power!


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39 thoughts on “Can we please buff Legion? | Dead by Daylight”

  1. We need a Legion's movement speed in frenzy buff, comparing to blight, nurse, wesker, spirit, oni or any other killer with movement power the Legion is far behind (and let em see scratch marks in frenzy)

  2. i feel like they will never give any significant buffs to Legion because the average survivor is so bad when playing against Legion. basic legion counterplay is just splitting up but on public lobbies people love to group up for no reason lol

  3. Doesnt need a buff. I do good with him. Also i do get tired of all the ragequits and the crybabies. The only thing i will say is i understand their frustration when it comes to certain add ons and perks combo cause not everyone has hours to play this game. So to go 30 to 40 minutes wanting to win/escape so badly that you go that long running around rather than getting a gen done and or having to give up and give the killer a kill otherwise the match continues on and on forever with mending. So unless you're a useless bot survivor on here or a crappy killer…then you will not need a buff for this killer. Hell legion to me is one of the more fun ones to play just like oni, billy, and nurse. I like the fact you can use skill when it comes to learning how to play then properly rather than these crap killers like the basic "make survivor hold w killers" like skull and others.

  4. Honestly I'd love for every bad killer to get reworked to be around b tier. I don't want to play things that are Nurse/Blight/Spirit tier, but just having poor guys like Legion, Myers, Trapper, ect being on the same level as a good, say, Slinger would be enough for me to not feel frustrated, while also letting survivors have some room for counterplay

  5. Overall I feel as though Legion's speed should be map by map, not just a base increase. Risks the chance of being too oppressive on some maps and balanced on others if it's just a base speed increase. If BHVR can take the time to place individual objects for other Killer's powers to spawn Trapper/Xenomorph/etc.. I'm sure they can take the time to issue a number change by map, even a few presets of "Small map gives him this speed, medium gives him this speed, large gives him this speed" rather than changing it for every single map.

  6. No coup? No oppression ? No lightborn ? You should definitely try coup before saying this. But I agree I run the pallet thing with all those without pallets destroying it is kinda weak.

  7. Honestly legion needs an addition to his power to make him feel more like a “legion” and I’m just spit balling but

    maybe after you feral hit a player say you are frank susie spawns from you to run after one of the killer instinct survivor and so on with the rest of the gang.

    The rest of them can’t really hit survivors but it gives a bit of a mind game of who are you going after. So pre-running could be more of a waste. Have each of the legions music sound different so survivors who pays attention who the original legion was will know if the real one is coming after them.

    This gives the legion actual map pressure no matter the map and fits the lore.

  8. Legion needs 3 ai that walk around looking like the other survivors, gesturing, pretending to work on gens, etc. If a survivor stands next to them for too long, they get attacked. And if only one survivor is left, they all get more aggressive.

    Off topic, but nemmy needs another zombie. 2 doesn't remotely feel like a zombie apocalypse.

  9. Mischief list needs to be basekit at least. It's baffling that you NEED to run a brown addon in order to actually have enough time for frenzy hits, and even that isn't enough a lot of the time


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